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HellsMaster Lastest Large Art! + Learn from me!


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-->I have made this large art, could i possibly recieve feedback from it? And remember i study animal management, not graphics design! ALSO the link to the PSD is under the image, you may download it and LEARN from it ONLY, okay?




--> The .PSD, you can use for learning purpouses


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Hooray for lens flare.


I looked at the PSD file and I have mixed reactions about the brush effect around the edges. It looks too busy for me. There is also a small white outline on the character...by the head. Normally I might say to just screw it, but the head seems to be a main focus here. I dunno...I'm picky about that kind of thing.


I like the added touch to the highlights on the armor though. The lens flare in the upper left was a nice touch too.


This might require experimenting but a slightly more dynamic color palette might be nice.


Overall it does look great though. Keep it up. :)

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Uhm...just because I talk formally doesn't mean I'm angry or anything, if that's what you're getting at.


Remember it is only constructive criticism and by no means you have to take it; I would suggest more opinions before taking action unless you really think so. :)

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