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City Of Fire ideas


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Well Cof is currently in the makeing so i will just give you the basic story line:


The city of fire story line


the city of fire is about a bunch of mersionaries trying to over throw their evil empor as he tries to over turn the main council of the city and take full control of all the council seats in the city of fire and therefore throwing the whole city into absolute choas and turning the island into his personal military base where he can gradualy take control of Tamriel by force.



Past history of the city


The island where the city of fire is now build, was settled by a bunch of travelers from a far off land. When the travelers arrived at the island they found it was already inhabited by the people of Molarn. The who island is actualy called Molarn.


The travelers lit the forest up to make way for their great city, the Molarnic people saw these fires and named the small town that the travelers started building 'The City of Fire'. The name has nown grown and is now used by the poeple living in the city iteslf. The real name of the city is Zulrac, but only the high councilers and the emporer ever use its proper name.


Great wars were fought between the people of the City, and the people of Molarn. Eventually, the City of Fire got the upper hand and defeated its enemy.


The People of Molarn


It is thought by the most of the people who live in the City of Fire, that the Molarnic people have been all wiped out. Infact, samll tribes of Molarnic people are still around, living in old Molarnic ruins, or high in the mountain ranges.


In some of the missions the player will have to find the people of this lost race for advise and knowledge of the island.



So if anyone has any ideas for this mod, just post them up :D





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Hmm... just keep it realistic :P nothing worse than a mod gone lame due to bad dialogue, real life references like an NPC named Jimmy Carter and stuff like that.
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Yeah, being co-leader of the plugin...i can assure you that we will not be doing anything of the sort. We wish to keep the fantasy feel, just like morrowind, and we are going to try to make the plugin feel just like morrowind so anyone playing it could easily think they are just playing an official morrowind expansion (it probiably won't be as big as an official morrowind expansion though).


If anyone wants to join the team of this mod...go to team recruitment, then the city of fire thread and sign up...we are after npc modelers....but anyone who wants to help...go to that thread and tell us what you can do...





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