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Become a creature?


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Hi, I'm not a modder and really don't know much about anything about modding other than basic Geck functions and installing, so I'm not sure if this is possible, but it would be very cool if it was:


Is there any way to make a race, or item that gives you the appearance of a creature, such as a Super Mutant, or a Deathclaw? I know that people are edit the way races and race bodies look as far as skin, so a supermutant could be theoretically possible, but if what I susspect is true then it would be a super mutant in skin only, no muscles, or height which admittedly would look silly (but I wouldn't mind seeing what that looked like to be honast)


I'm sure others have thought of this, but just in case I figured I'd ask. Thanks for your time.

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