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Added a Mod That Increases Population in a Dungeon Accidently.


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A suggestion for an OOO replacement is Maskars Oblivion Overhaul. It is completely configurable using it's included INI files.


Good thing Discovery1 dropped in to lend a hand ... I've added that to my own toolkit. Thanks Discovery. :thumbsup:

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Yeah that sounds good. I dont really like this mod to be honest. Its kinda stupid how theres still a bunch of npcs you fight in one area let alone more difficult already to kill every individual one. It would be fine if they are harder to kill but dumb to add more npcs to the mix already. Oblivion has so many dungeons so it takes a long time to search them all again especially with mods. Theres a difference between being difficult and being stupid and this mods has both.

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Another little tidbit for you ... looking at another thread today and it seems likely that OOO is the source of your unfinished armor as well (look at what DarJee says in the part near the end just before the "Update" part).

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