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How To Install Steamworks Games From The Retail Disc


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Sod's Law dictates that tomorrow there will be a pile of threads complaining of Steam downloading the game rather than installing from their retail disc. Here's a quick guide on how to fix this (hopefully: I've never had this problem).


Note: If you just stick the CD key into the Steam client, Steam will go ahead and begin downloading it. Don't come crying to me if you do this and want to install from the disc, however hopefully this guide will help you lot too.


0) Ensure you have an internet connection and Steam installed (there should be a copy on the disc).

1) Open up the Steam client.

2) Click on Library (and "Games" if you don't see your games list)

3) Right click Fallout: New Vegas (or *insert any other Steamworks game you're having problems with here*) and click on "Delete local content".

4) Confirm.

5) Insert the first disc into your computer.

6) If a window pop-up prompting you to install the game, click on it and follow the instructions, which should lead you to step 11. If not, go to step 7.

7) Close Steam (Steam > Exit).

8) Open Run (Windows key + R)

9) Type this in:


inserting where you installed Steam between the quotes and replacing E with the letter of the disc drive in question (use My Computer to check if you're not sure).

10) Press OK. Sign in if required. Steam *should* now start installing the game from the disc. Follow any more instructions.

11) Steam will then proceed to download any patches (or DLC you've bought, providing it's not the GotY version).



  • This process won't work with backup copies made using the Steam client.
  • This was taken from here.
  • You will still have to download the patches in step 11 before you can play the game.

If you need help installing from the formal way (i.e. pop up box inviting you to install as mentioned in step 6), then it's extremely likely that the process would be the same as The Orange Box, Empire: Total War, Modern Warfare 2, Left 4 Dead...


Right then, hopefully that should stem the tide of "Help! Steam's downloading my copy!" threads. (Heh. Not gonna happen.)

PS, there seems a lot of people unable to find the Data folders. So, Ladies and gentlemen, here's another rendition of "Where Steam Puts Your Game Files". A one two three four...

Steam/steamapps/common/fallout new vegas is the folders you need,

Steam defaults to C://Program Files/Steam, and this

can be changed by moving steam.exe and the steamapps folder

to where you want it and double clicking steam.exe,

while connected to the internet!

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Downloaded from disc. Didn't give me an option of where I wanted the files to go. There don't appear to BE any files. WTF am I doing wrong here?(Nevermind. Apparently I don't get the kind of files I'm used to, just ncf's, whateverTF those are). I want my game to be just like all the games I've ever bought, where I can find a folder on the HD, open it, and like magic (like the sarcasm there?) there is an icon to click to launch the game. I don't think that's asking so much, really.


Now I get to learn how to add mods all over again. I just started doing that a month or two ago, too.


I friggin hate Steam. I doubly hate Steam being required. Steam blows big barfy doggy chunks on the turkey plate.

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Downloaded from disc. Didn't give me an option of where I wanted the files to go. There don't appear to BE any files. WTF am I doing wrong here?(Nevermind. Apparently I don't get the kind of files I'm used to, just ncf's, whateverTF those are). I want my game to be just like all the games I've ever bought, where I can find a folder on the HD, open it, and like magic (like the sarcasm there?) there is an icon to click to launch the game. I don't think that's asking so much, really.


Now I get to learn how to add mods all over again. I just started doing that a month or two ago, too.


I friggin hate Steam. I doubly hate Steam being required. Steam blows big barfy doggy chunks on the turkey plate.


Data files are in Steam/steamapps/common/fallout new vegas (Steam's default location is C://Program Files/Steam, but it can be moved by moving the steam.exe and steamapps folder and double clicking the steam.exe, while connected to the internet).


.gcf files serve the same purpose as .pk3 files in iD Tech 3 games: organisation. Plenty of extractors for both out on the internet. Not that it should affect modifiability of the game (as anyone who's played a Valve game or indeed Quake 3 will tell you). Just drop the mods into the data folder, as usual (or wait for NVMM). .ncf AFAIK is the Steamworks version of Cabinet files you find on discs.


Let's be honest: would you far rather have UbiDRM? :tongue:

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We were told that after activtion via steam we wold be able to load disc on to system. Having to change codes to be able to have access to files was not stated by any forum or having to be online!! . This is a complete mess!!!!!! - back to fallout 3!!! - This is no more than steam through the back door

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We were told that after activtion via steam we wold be able to load disc on to system. Having to change codes to be able to have access to files was not stated by any forum or having to be online!! . This is a complete mess!!!!!! - back to fallout 3!!! - This is no more than steam through the back door

Frankly, this is the same DRM as Left 4 Dead, Empire Total War, Civilization V, The Orange Box etc. etc. I have no idea why you would assume there would be a disc check as well.


PS Offline mode. Bit wonky, but it's there.

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