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Everything posted by HarkinTourbolt

  1. Loved this game up to 1.2 patch. Agree with Ginnyfizz's comments. If the modders have restrictions placed upon them due to CK being tied in the steam - then this would big a major steps backwards, and one that will change the way modding is carried out in future on any game - not only Skyrim.
  2. I currently have three (3) Louis Letrush's standing outside Whiterun - the only things I can get them to say is: Good Afternoon Need Something? Yes? Hmm Can someone please confirm is this a gilch?
  3. Wish I had done the same. Have sameeproblem as others - game only show skyrim dragon no continue/Load meanu 115 hours without any problems and now unable to play the game - since steam loaded the patch.
  4. I have played 92 hours and only just had a problem with a couple of crashes. A couple of minor bugs also - but not enough to stop my enjoyment of the game. I have only explored 3 holds so I expect to go through the 300 hours. On a more personal note - I just can't get it - people buy the game to break it and then complain that it does'nt work.
  5. Thank you - done that, I am still required to be on line to steam!!!
  6. So because someone disagrees with you, their opinion is automatically illegitimate? More like "I don't have to explain myself to you". I don't need a reason to not like something, just as you don't need a reason to like it. I can accept that you like it and might even have very good reasons for doing so. Why can you not just accept the fact that other people do not feel the same way? I'm not here to debate, this is not the debate section. I put forward my opinion and did not attack anyone else's. I am not demanding that Bethesda completely remove Steam, I am merely stating my displeasure with it being forced and lamenting that I purchased a copy without duly inspecting the package. That I wont be purchasing the next Bethesda game if it requires Steam, I don't care if Steam is an option. If it is then great! More power to the people that like. But I don't like it and I don't want it forced down my throat. I'd like you to grow up and realize that people aren't always going to agree with you, that you will be wrong sometimes, you will be right sometimes and a lot of times you'll be neither as both positions are possible, such is the case here. But if you choose not to, then that is fine, it is your choice. I'll just ignore your inane rantings. However, should you decided to have intelligent, level headed, rational arguments then I'll gladly sit down and have a discussion with you. Till then, good luck to you in your endeavors. Agreed - well said
  7. Hi For those currently able to play the game without any problems - good for you, but for many it is a very diffrent story When problems are rised the comment that is most common is - it must be you or it is your server. The computer I am using runs FO3 - Mount and Blade very well with no crashes. Curently I can only play if I am on line to steam - so much for 'steam wont be intrusive'!! Steam up dated the game whilst I was playing causing my computer to freeze for 30 minutes. For every 10 minutes I spend playing the game - I spend 30 minutes waiting for my computer to unfreeze and get back on line to steam due to - every time I enter/leave a building or go to a new area (due to the continued crashing I have only been able to get a little way from Goodsprings! - not very far) the game goes to a black screen and freezes. The system I am using has only ever crashed a couple of times during Fallout 3 (I clocked up over 200 hours of game play) The server I use has also never caused any problems ( I have been with them for over 5 years). These issues have only ever been a problem since I was forced to sign up to steam - so could it be steam - is the problem - surely not!!!!!!???? I am cureently reviewing whether the game warrents my time and effort! I loved Fallout 3 - currnetly I hate FNV - I can not comment on game play, as I have not been able to play long enough before a computer crash! So at this moment in tiime - don't buy this game!!
  8. Give one good reason why you don't like it. I purchased FNV today, and this is my first time using steam: Steam forced an update on me whilst I was playing the game. Steam continuely loses connection whilst playing the game FNV keeps crashing (5 times in 1 hour - this does not happen with any of my other games including Fallout 3 - and no it is not my computer or server!) We were also told that you could play FNV without having to use steam once the activation was complete, but to ensure the game functions you are forced to use steam. This is a clear case of steam through the back door - the very thing were told on the forum would not be the case. Like many fans of Fallout 3 I am currently reviewing whether to call it a day and return FNV!
  9. Agreed I have been playing FNV for a couple of hours and the game has crashed twice - I am using the same computer that I play fallout 3 on with no problems. Also I can not play FNV without having connection to steam first - this was not the answer given in the f & qs - I feel that steam will kill the game for many. I am enjoying the game but the steam issue is making rethink FNV Back to Fallout 3 for many I fear.
  10. Thank you - but we were told on the f & q that we would not need to keep having to go through the steam program to access the game - this is no more than steam through the back door and was the major fear of many fans of fallout 3
  11. Hi We were told that after activtion via steam we wold be able to load disc on to system. Having to change codes to be able to have access to files was not stated by any forum or having to be online!! . This is a complete mess!!!!!! - back to fallout 3!!! - This is no more than steam through the back door
  12. Hi I am the same as you - we were told that we would be able to access game files for mods, and that we would be able to play fallout nv without having to be online or loged on to steam account - I can not play fallout nv without doing both!!! What is steam upto?
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