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Custom merchant has empty pockets?


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Problem Solved. Had to replace the cell and the vendor faction.

I'm learning to create NPCs right now, and I am having a problem with a merchant in a shop (which is also her house with her family). I can walk in and she'll greet me with merchant dialogue, but when I look at what she has for sale, the buy/sell window comes up with nothing in it. The merchant has 9 gold and no items. My inventory also does not appear in this window so I cannot sell to her.

My belief is that somehow she's not able to access the chest which I've assigned her services faction, but I can't figure out what I've done wrong.

Here are the steps I've taken so far:
New services faction with vendor options checked, hours of operation, and location. Set list 'Vendormisc' + Not Buy/Sell
New chest copied from an existing vendor chest (Grey Pine Goods), with the investor object removed.
Chest has been assigned to the services faction and placed in the voidspace in the interior cell for the shop.

New character, class set vendorpawnbroker, added jobmerchantfaction, new services faction, town faction, crime faction, and household faction.

I have tried making the chest owned by the character, the services faction, or the household faction with no effect.
I have tried making the chest a linked reference of and by the character, with no effect.

The character's voice type is compatible with vendor dialogue and has demonstrated it.


I just cannot gather why the inventory remains empty.

Edited by Gearsmoke
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2 factions that a merchant needs:


1) JobMerchantFaction ;Set the Rank to 0, Didn't see you mention this one in your post

2) The services faction you created that links to your chest and has the vendor buy/sell etc.


Any other factions are optional.

Edited by smashly
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There's no difference to interior or exterior merchant.

It's just not as complex as you are finding it.

I did an exterior and interior merchant test with the bare minimum and either work the same for me.

I used this tutorial: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Adding_a_Merchant_NPC_to_Skyrim


I've attached the test esp's to the post.

(There's no facegen data so their faces will be a different color to their bodies, facegen data was to big to attach to the post)


Either test merchant can be found in Falkreath, one outside the Dead Man's Drink, one inside the Dead Man's Drink.

Took a whole 10 mins to make 2 rough knock ups for testing (I'm fairly hopeless with the CK).


  Reveal hidden contents



  Reveal hidden contents



In either test I used a renamed copy of GrayPineGoods chest, same for the services faction, just named and edited to my preference.





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Thanks - hmm. She works fine. Nothing is different between her and my vendor... I've tried replacing the NPC, the chest, and the services faction - no change.
I've created another vendor that sells fruit outside, that one works fine... I don't know what's wrong with the one inside the shop. o_o;

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Without seeing the esp your using then there is nothing I can really further input.

As I said I'm pretty hopeless with CK, but I can usually fumble around to get things going when I have hands on.


I've created houses from scratch and added multi talented npcs to those houses and they all worked.

(eg: Merchant, Trainer, Follower, Marriageable all in one)

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