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I know there's problems with mix matching models and such between games but I was wondering can you convert a model from Skyrim into FNV and be alright if you switched more than say 40% of it?


Ex. Take the mudcrab enemy and put it into FNV as just a red crab that you can eat? lol


Would that be an issue?


If it's allowed does any one have a tut to do so or know which program would be needed? Blender or Nifskope? Or both?

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That would be a issue, you can not use stuff from other games without permission of the game maker. Which will not happen.


If you made it for personal use only that is fine, you would need both Blender and Nifskope.

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I know there's problems with mix matching models and such between games but I was wondering can you convert a model from Skyrim into FNV and be alright if you switched more than say 40% of it?


Ex. Take the mudcrab enemy and put it into FNV as just a red crab that you can eat? lol


Would that be an issue?

Bethesda has stated that you are not allowed to use assets from one of their games in another. you can of course use it for your game only though as long as you made it and you dont distribute it. (such as giving a friend a copy or uploading to a mod site)

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