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Request for NPC Hair Styles and Facial Hair


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Hey there modders,


It be really cool to have the option to be able to choose the NPC's hair and facial hair in the character gen (especially Blackwall's Moustache without the beard and hair). I know that modding is still in the early stages but I think this would be a great thing to add to the "to do list". This and changing Josephine's god awful outfit. :down:



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AGREED! Let's have mods for ALL the freakin' female outfits. Let's get rid of Leliana's <snip> head covering, and those man-pants, too, that the man-jawed, man-haired Cassandra is wearing. Since I'm on the subject, let's totally annihilate Cassandra's man-jaw and man-hair. She's is freakin' butt-ugly! If this was all real, with those options, I would most-definitely stay single. That little elf girl is kind of cute, so why do there have to be sexual preference limitations? That sounds a bit sexist to me. Let's remove all sexual preference limitations!

Edited by Thandal
removed inflammatory (and totally unnecessary) language
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The NPC assets would be fantastic to get to utilize from hair to armor. And Atreyuu2003 maybe cool it with the "Muslim" stuff...you said it your own post and now you've said it in mine like it's something derogatory. It's a cowl and it's not uncommon for a fantasy rogue character to have one.

Edited by blkcasanova247
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Please, everyone, do not forget about the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.


That being said, I am sorry if I offended anyone; that was not the intention. However, the female persuasion of certain now-unnamed religions religiously wear cowls in an effort to "hide" their beauty. Leliana is a very beautiful character, there is no need to hide that beauty in a cartoon game. That was all I was trying to say.

As far as my opinion of how Cassandra and Josephine look, how can that be construed as derogatory? I have seen at least nine or ten posts saying the same exact thing. None of us have to pretend that we like the looks of certain characters in the game or how we (straight males) feel like we were severely given the short end of the stick, where romance options are concerned. The facts are the facts. Straight men were not given ample romance options in this game. It doesn't mean that I, or even we, hate the game, just that I do not think it was fair at all and not much thought was put into how straight men would feel about said options.


This thread is for mod requests. I am merely agreeing with Mr. Casanova that hair styles would greatly improve the aesthetics of the game, and romance options would be MUCH more realistic.

Edited by Atreyuu2003
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  • 1 month later...

Please, everyone, do not forget about the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.


That being said, I am sorry if I offended anyone; that was not the intention. However, the female persuasion of certain now-unnamed religions religiously wear cowls in an effort to "hide" their beauty. Leliana is a very beautiful character, there is no need to hide that beauty in a cartoon game. That was all I was trying to say.


As far as my opinion of how Cassandra and Josephine look, how can that be construed as derogatory? I have seen at least nine or ten posts saying the same exact thing. None of us have to pretend that we like the looks of certain characters in the game or how we (straight males) feel like we were severely given the short end of the stick, where romance options are concerned. The facts are the facts. Straight men were not given ample romance options in this game. It doesn't mean that I, or even we, hate the game, just that I do not think it was fair at all and not much thought was put into how straight men would feel about said options.


This thread is for mod requests. I am merely agreeing with Mr. Casanova that hair styles would greatly improve the aesthetics of the game, and romance options would be MUCH more realistic.




Preference is preference; I have no issue with that. Why say someone is "Butt Ugly" though... that part is insulting. Others may find her attractive. I don't like her hair, but her jaw does not seem manly to me (perhaps because I have a strong jaw...). I do however fully support the option to mod characters to their preference :-)

As for making everyone a romance option for either sex... That's life. Some people are gay, others not, and that's the way it is ;-)

Edited by omegadk1
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I really would like to see some hair for Solas. I don't necessarily dislike bald men (not at all actually), but I would like the option of seeing some lovely hair on Solas' head. It's always fun to have some variety. :smile:

Edit: Whoops! Just saw a whooole thread on this topic. Nevermind!

Edited by foxwolfmoon
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