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Steam is Utter Garbage


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Problem is with user not Steam


i can only reply to that by saying, many issues are user error but most user errors are cased by the BS Steam makes you go through or the spyware it uses in its efforts at being intrusive in everything you do.


IMO the core problem is with the people who are putting up with steams BS so as long as they continue to profit we are stuck with the way they are doing things. IMO 80% of the people who think steam is great dont pay for their own internet connection or rent so their perspective on the value of money is not the same as those who do.


people claimed online DRM and phone home software is something you HAVE TO accept but when users of ubisofts games finally had enough and refused to buy the games with perminent connections required anymore and sales suddenly dropped by 45% the company decided to say never mind and patched the games to go back to playing offline and not needing perminent connections.


it boils down to, if you put up with it they only get worse over time and steam is a perfect example of mindless drone customers saying ok to any and all intrusive things steam does. steam will never improve untill there is a customer revolt such as the case with ubisoft was so until that happens just bend over and hope it doesnt hurt too much


the original poster had it right in his first post, im just sorry he felt the need to change his mind after figuring out how to get it working. if steam wasnt such a PITA in the first place he wouldnt have had to post at all

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Problem is with user not Steam


i can only reply to that by saying, many issues are user error but most user errors are cased by the BS Steam makes you go through or the spyware it uses in its efforts at being intrusive in everything you do.


IMO the core problem is with the people who are putting up with steams BS so as long as they continue to profit we are stuck with the way they are doing things. IMO 80% of the people who think steam is great dont pay for their own internet connection or rent so their perspective on the value of money is not the same as those who do.


people claimed online DRM and phone home software is something you HAVE TO accept but when users of ubisofts games finally had enough and refused to buy the games with perminent connections required anymore and sales suddenly dropped by 45% the company decided to say never mind and patched the games to go back to playing offline and not needing perminent connections.


it boils down to, if you put up with it they only get worse over time and steam is a perfect example of mindless drone customers saying ok to any and all intrusive things steam does. steam will never improve untill there is a customer revolt such as the case with ubisoft was so until that happens just bend over and hope it doesnt hurt too much


the original poster had it right in his first post, im just sorry he felt the need to change his mind after figuring out how to get it working. if steam wasnt such a PITA in the first place he wouldnt have had to post at all


To be honest, I've been using Steam for a long time from its first buggy beta to now. And it has improved dramatically since then. The reason why people are ranting with Steam is because they put too much expectations on Steam. At least we have a centralised (and free!) system where we can get patches and the like without having to rangle around the developers' site (which can ironically break your game). If you don't want it to patch, tell Steam not to. There is something called the Settings menu where you can change something. Heck, the first beta didn't have this and it was annoying to go through the various .ini files to find it.

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