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Steam is Utter Garbage


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On a more serious note, metered Internet billing is coming to Canada and the USA, there is no way to stop the big ISP's from lobbying for it, it is innevitable. Metered billing will be the death of many online services, Steam Included. Me, I think it's a great service and have no complaints, but if I cannot buy a DVD and only use Steam for activation and game updates I don't plan to be buying games striclty online. It is already way more expensive paying for download megabytes than it is for DVDs for the few games I actually want to play. Sadly there are limited high speed service choices and once the big telcos are able to force the little guys who sub-contract from them to have to meter their Internet billing, imho that will be the end of a lot of online services.


I would also need Steam to include an option before downloading any update that tells me how big its going to be, and if I want to update right now or wait until later. That now becomes a factor when you have a limited budget for phone and Internet services.


The only way metered billing could ever be stopped is if the government regulated so that ISP's and their subsidiaries were not allowed to offer any content of their own, period, that would keep it a free market. But that is not going to happen. The ISP's will win, and then they will kill competitors and take over being the provider for that content or service.

Edited by drakeelvin
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Steam would not refund my money after a game failed to start even though it claimed compatibility with my system. They just don't care.


I guess we're all creatures of our own experiences, but the only incompatibility issue I've ever had with Steam is when I #$^%'d up and downloaded an older game that was incompatible with Vista (of course I read the system requirements only after downloading :wallbash:) Even though it was my own damn fault, Steam refunded me my money the same day I sent my sad-sack story to their support crew.


I love Steam.

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Steam would not refund my money after a game failed to start even though it claimed compatibility with my system. They just don't care.


Hmmm, not sure where you live but in pretty much every state (USA) and province (Canada) the Attourney General's office usually has a branch that deals with consumer protection and it should be pretty easy to find in the phonebook.


Here in Canada all I need to do is send the provincial consumer protection branch a letter or fax outlining in plain language the issue, and what steps I took to contact the merchant about the issue, and the response I got. It's straightforward for the consumer: if you have made a reasonable attempt to deal with the merchant and been refused help, then the AG office will deal with them and they usually get your money back, though it can take time it is not difficult for a consumer to get help.

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It made me laugh when they posted on the box that it was going to be released for Windows Live; yet, it somehow switches to steam in a blink of an eye. I liked windows LIVE better, because there was an offline mode, and I could install the game disk with little to no internet connection.


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I just dont get why when I buy a hard copy of the game I have no choice but to use steam to play, that was the whole reason to buy a hard copy... I have nothing against the services of downloading the game it sounds like a good idea, but hard copies shouldnt be forced to do that.
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I might get attacked by a ninja for this, but I actually like Steam. It's a much more convenient service than physical stores and it often has better deals. Only negative experience I've ever had with it was twice: Once when my internet was out and I couldn't play F:NV offline because it said it needed an update and refused to play until said update was downloaded and installed, and when I bought Resident Evil 5. The latter was entirely my fault, shouldn't have bought a game that's unplayable on the PC.
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steam is one the most aggravating experiences i had in a long while


frist time installing it 3 days then 2nd time a week

then when a update comes can't play or mod becuse esm file gets deleted...


after a crash to desktop happened while i was tradeing with gibbson then reclicked to recontinue "This game is unavilable" while in offline mode at april 1st 1am i automaticly taught it was a planed aprilfools joke when it happened

then i had to redownload steam which took 2 hours :/

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