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More people have been butchered under the Communist flag than any other flag in history, including the Nazi flag. I am not an expert on Communism, but I know the people who have formed governments under it in the past, have always been butchers and tyrants. And I don't believe this is a coincidence. Mao was a butcher, Stalin, Castro, Che, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Ill, etc. The idea of taking from one and giving to someone you deem as more deserving, is tyranny, and any government that practices that kind of ideology needs to go down.


Not that I'm a fan of any of the above regimes but the nature of their butchery was episodic (a lot of people killed over a relatively short time ) , the flag under which the most people have been butchered would be the so called christian flag ,depending who you reference its estimated that 1.5 billion to 2.2 billion people have been killed over the last 1700 years .Its under many names (Reformation Wars , Crusades , Inquisition etc etc) buts its basically all the same thing of killing someone because their beliefs are different .Same is true of the above regimes just a different banner.

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Since the thread has started into the same anti-nazi, anti-christian crap, I'm just going to lock it here and save us all the headache. This is your forum too, it's YOUR responsibility that stuff like this doesn't start to derail threads. The reality is that there is no group of people on the face of this planet who don't have a little blood on their hands. History is written by those who conquer. Bringing in age old disagreements and arguing who killed who more just keeps us all caught in the same senseless conflict. We aren't going to get anywhere as a species if we keep holding to past grudges. Edited by Vagrant0
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