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CTD When loading game in WindHelm Please help!


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This is my current mod set with all the dlc and High Res Texpack (DLC)

I have tried disabling most, and still no dice, if i load a save in Windhelm i CTD, if i fast travel there i CTD..

I have turned on papyrus logging and got no dice, and skse logs show nothing (IT does say something about "Unhandled chunk type in Core_LoadCallback: 4E494E55 (UNIN)" But google says nothing about that)

I am using Loot and have Ordered these correctly(Or so that it says)

Heres my Skyrim.ini Link

And my SkyrimPrefs Link


And im at my wits end... I really can't figure out whats causing this...

If its something obvious then(Whops)



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Wellllll Sorry for taking so long to respond but, I have tried the SSME, and it loads(Thankfully), but it doesn't seem to be a memory issue... In theory... But anywho

I enabled Minidumps for skse and i read the first one i got which was this So i disabled Enhanced blood textures(Because line 413 and 425) and my save where im outside Windhelm loaded, and then when i walked towards it, it crashed(Like normal) But i had starting using that save because it was closest to, windhelm, and so it was crashing on world load, but now its only crashing when i get near... SO yay? And so i re-enabled it so that i could test my theory and it crashed again with this crash .. Weirdly it only reports dumps when im on the loading screen and ctd not when i am in game and ctd...

But so the memory things i tried... I enabled 768 for the first block and 256 for the block but it still crashed when i got near. I also tried 384 and 512 for the second Block but 512 crashed at the loading screen and 384 still crashed when i got into Windhelm and i tried 896 for the first one...and it still crashed (At the title screen). Didn't try any lower that 768....




I've spent like 5 hours now debugging this... sigh

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