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very low CPU and GPU usage = low FPS ...WTH?


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The toggleemotions switch is not the fix. There is a really good discussion of this issue, and what appears to be the actual fix over at the Bethesda forums. Not sure if I can post the link to the discussion pertaining to this issue. Mods...if it needs to be removed, please do so. Thanks!




I have not tried this fix personally, and as a disclaimer, you should do so only at your own risk, but it at least does appear promising.

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just got this thread from a friend:




there is a link to a d3d9.dll which you have to put in your Fallout ROOT dir.


I get 50% CPU usage and 60% GPU usage now = 50 - 60 FPS @ ULTRA (+ Vsync ON) !!!


so it effectively switched my machine from single to dualcore... now how do i get it to quadcore?


...i notice lots of white and black artifact boxes now but there is another thread for that issue

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