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First Impressions?


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First Impressions ...


No technical problems. Runs flawlessly on my system on High setting. I have a good video card, 4gb of ram and 1gb of vram but only a Core Duo T6400 2.0Ghz processor


I like the setting. I also like not starting in the vault! The cacti are pretty darn ugly, but that's all I can complain :)


It's pretty exciting so far playing the game the first way through. As mentioned, the iron sights are great. A lot of mod features have been added, like weaponmodkits. There are a lot of new options for crafting but unless there are more recipes I think the novelty will wear off quickly. I applaud the implementation of the factions, reminding me of Fallout 2.


I haven't had trouble with ammo, you can steal it all over the place. You still lose karma each time you steal and it makes an annoying noise to make sure you didn't forget.


I like it enough so far that I'm still up right now :D

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Well it looks like I'm going to be the only one disappointed, game play is nice for the most part, the wasteland looks a little recycled but that's not a biggie.

What disappoints me about the whole thing is the triggers in the game when things happen your left clueless as to them happening. Example: Your to clear some ghouls from a site, go to site help ghouls with there problem to get them to leave, while doing that you encounter a talking super mutant and now your helping him and then you encounter a ghoul not with the other ghouls but he too needs help so you help him find his "Female" friend. Now for the triggers part...While searching for the stash of stealthboys, "so the super mutants will leave" and the ghouls female friend the only ghoul you find is dead "but nothing tells you it's the one your looking for (and I guess female ghouls don't have chest bumps)" then you find a computer terminal that tells of the stealthboys but that there no longer at this site, so you head back to let the super mutant know this. as soon as you enter the area where the ghoul is supposed to be waiting to hear of his friend he starts shooting and you end up having to kill him, the moment you click on the super mutant to let him know of the stealthboys he goes ape**** on you and you either kill him or die but no dialog what so ever, no nothing. The only on-screen I got said to head back and tell Richardson "The talking Super Mutant" about the stealthboys. I don't know maybe I'm just used to FO3's style of doing things. But you can sure tell Bethesda didn't make the game. Anyway this is only a first impression, that may or may not change but I know the community will make it better if there so inclined. Don't get me wrong, I still like the game, I'm just nit picky LOL.

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I'm loving New Vegas despite some graphics glitches, a frozen enemy bug, and an unexplainable ctd.


I love the new water and food system. I love the new Hardcore mode. Love the new faction system.


Not Loving: Killcam, Mister New Vegas, Voice acting not as good as hoped, hard to sort and track craft recipes and ingredients. Also missing the humor of Fallout 3. New Vegas just doesn't have that dark smirky gallows humor.


Lots of flat road out here. I need a motorcycle.


Also don't feel it is fair to charge us ful price for a game that has a recycled and tweaked engine, recycled sound library, and recycled models and textures. This is a mega-expansion. Not a new game.


Overall- two thumbs up and a cheesy Borat grin.

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great game so far, but... it ends? wtf -.-


Original Fallout 3 Vanilla ended as well. That is until a DLC was released to continue the story alongside other mods like FWE which allowed players to continue endlessly ....


I suspect in time New Vegas will benefit as well ....

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  • 1 month later...

For some reason it's not gripping me in quite the same way the fallout3 or the original two did come to that.


Hard to put my finger on what exactly, in part I think it's the lack of greenish haze that you had in Fallout3, yes I know lots of people didn't like it and there's mods to clean it up, yet for me it added just the right touch of gritty, grimey, post-apocalyptic depression that added to the flavour of the world.


They also seem to have been packing more into a slightly smaller map, which is a bit odd because if you look back at the original games the map should be vast, near empty and you can travel for days before ever seeing anything worth picking up or something to kill.

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I'm loving New Vegas despite some graphics glitches, a frozen enemy bug, and an unexplainable ctd.


I love the new water and food system. I love the new Hardcore mode. Love the new faction system.


Not Loving: Killcam, Mister New Vegas, Voice acting not as good as hoped, hard to sort and track craft recipes and ingredients. Also missing the humor of Fallout 3. New Vegas just doesn't have that dark smirky gallows humor.


Lots of flat road out here. I need a motorcycle.


Also don't feel it is fair to charge us ful price for a game that has a recycled and tweaked engine, recycled sound library, and recycled models and textures. This is a mega-expansion. Not a new game.


Overall- two thumbs up and a cheesy Borat grin.


I agree, the full price is surely a little too much, yet people buying it, i guess it was a good strategic choice with obsidian, even though they did halfassed work.


For some reason it's not gripping me in quite the same way the fallout3 or the original two did come to that.


Hard to put my finger on what exactly, in part I think it's the lack of greenish haze that you had in Fallout3, yes I know lots of people didn't like it and there's mods to clean it up, yet for me it added just the right touch of gritty, grimey, post-apocalyptic depression that added to the flavour of the world.


They also seem to have been packing more into a slightly smaller map, which is a bit odd because if you look back at the original games the map should be vast, near empty and you can travel for days before ever seeing anything worth picking up or something to kill.


Sadly i came to the same point on wich somehow the game is loosing my interest, i still play it but im not able to for more then 1 hour, then i just get uninterested :unsure:


I like that the map isnt a big wasteland where half of it is just rocks and ruins, this way the map maybe less bigger but its full with things to explore, you dont have to run across half planet just to find another underground with feral ghouls. I hated that in FO3, there was too many dungeons with little wariety in them, wich were bound to another dungeon and another one and another... Overall NV is a step forward but that step is a very little one and sadly it has also the thing i hated most at FO3, the feeling of unsatisfyiness, no matter how much i progress.

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This is a mega-expansion. Not a new game.

You got it. It's just a standalone DLC to Fallout 3, an add-on where not only the roads are flat...

The maker's are already past their best, I guess, something that happened already earlier to

other series like Might & Magic, Tomb Raider and Indiana Jones. You won't get your kicks on

the Mojave Road if ya come from the Wasteland.

Edited by Surenas
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