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Twice now i have lost an hour or more of game play due to running into high level mobs (Deathclaws that run three times our speed and kill us in one hit are so fun at lvl 4). Can someone please make a auto save mod that works.
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I have to add my two caps to this also. CASM is a must have mod in FO3 and I'm sure it would be just as useful in FONV
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, I've been fairly inactive (and horrendously difficult to contact - sorry if any of you have been ignored) in the Fallout 3 modding community for a while now, mainly due to my University workload, and I don't own a copy of New Vegas. If anyone wants to go ahead and port CASM to New Vegas I'd be happy to lend my support, but otherwise I'll probably end up doing it myself once my exams have finished and I've purchased the game.


If anyone starts working on this, please let me know so I can offer whatever assistance you need.



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From what I can tell, we just need the first version of NVSE to get it working, right? Trying to figure out what FOSE functions are required to make it work.


EDIT: Just tested it, and confirmed that it did create new saves while traveling the wasteland. Did not test other features (leaving combat, interior-exterior and vice versa).


As far as I can see, the only features you'll be loosing (until NVSE comes out) are the quicksave buttons and the profile saves. Otherwise, it all appears to work fine. Menus flow, no game crashing, etc.


Baring a bit more testing, I think it should work fine (don't hold me to this, I tested it for a whopping 3 mins in game).

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If I remember correctly, CASM only requires FOSE's con_Save function, although it also makes use of GetFOSEVersion so that it can switch to using the vanilla function ForceSave if FOSE isn't active.


As far as I know, these functions are amongst the simplest that can be implemented by a script extender, being a port of a console-only function and a function that is pretty much entirely separate from the rest of the game, so I would expect CASM:NV to be possible once the first version of NVSE is available.


All of the other content, such as the menus and the detection of certain events and states like if the player is sneaking, should be possible already. Indeed, it should be possible currently to make a "light" version using only ForceSave to make regular proper saves.



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I just spent about an hour and a half playing. The game saved once very 3 minutes (the way I had it set to) with no problems. I didn't load any, but I didn't see any problems. With the exception of setting it to look for NVSE instead of FOSE, this shouldn't require any work to port over.
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Yeah, it looks that way to me too. Changing the scripts to check for NVSE in the same way would be pretty much a find/replace job, but that code could probably be improved anyway. The main changes I'd really like to make would be to remove the quickload functionality and to enable the quicksave hotkey to be changed in-game, neither of which would be difficult with the current functionality that FOSE has.


Come to think of it, could you tell me if New Vegas has the same loading bug as Fallout 3, where loading a save from in-game can cause issues like items that cannot be interacted with or invisible enemies? If that's been fixed, then having a properly functioning quickload option available in CASM:NV would be possible.



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