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Er.... Old Visual Bug, need to find the fix.


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I know what my problem most likely is but no idea how to fix it considering what it is. I'm using CoTW which changes the skeleton to be child friendly. But All female adult actors have their breast extending to infinity due to BnB. I'm guessing because none BnB outfits don't have that problem. One of the Veronica mods has a none BnB outfit which doesn't have that problem which is why I'm 99% sure that's where my problem is. Is there a fix to this issue? (tried searching but couldn't find my exact issue).


I know this is an old issue and hope there is a fix.

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:pinch: Didn't have BnB esp turned on... :tongue:

It doesn't make any difference.


You replaced the BnB skeleton with the one from CotW. You also have installed the armors from BnB. The animations are part of the individual armor mesh files. Loose files are loaded before .bsa files. This means that any of the BnB armor files that have the same name and file path as the vanilla armor will replace the vanilla armor in the game.


The only solution is to uninstall the BnB armors.

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