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Modding with NMM and Steam Shop


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Hello all,


I could use some help in understanding. Most of my mods have come from Nexus and I use NMM. I run SKSE also. I have a non-Steam version of the game. I know about the way to get Steam Shop mods into the game but my question is.. how would this effect NMM and the order of things... or is this not a doable thing to do? I have seen a few mods there that I like but do not know if adding mods from a source that isn't managed by NMM will work of cause major issues.


Thanks for the help and insight!

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I personally have no idea how to download mods from steam without a steam version of the game...HOWEVER if you're able to download the files into your downloads folder (or where ever.) you can install them manually......obvioulsly ESP's go in the data folder and usually unless there's Bsa's (Which should also go in the date folder.) if there are sounds, models or textures required they will come WITH their respective folders...therefore you can basically copy all of the files and paste them directly into your data folder UNLESS SPECIFIED TO DO OTHERWISE (You probably already knew this though.)


Skse (Skyrim Script Extender.) is required for a large portion of the modifications not only found on the Nexus but most other sites with downloadable content available as well (depending on the content.) and therefore you should be running Skyrim with Skse....every time you open it UNLESS you haven't any mods installed......If you have any modifications that require Skse...you should be opening it with SKse each and every time. I suggest you also download Boss/Loot and Wyre Bash....use Wyre Bash to activate and deactivate Esp's and Esm's (Every time you add a new Esp or Esm from a modification MANUALLY you need to MANUALLY activate these files either with Wyre Bash, another program...or by opening the game via the launcher and accessing data files.)

Either way...if you've got mods it's more than likely that many of them require the latest version of Skse...and therefore you should always open the game with SKse unless you plan on A: The modifications not running properly and causing problems B: running Skyrim without any Modifications (or without mods that require a script extender.)

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As Postal said, Skyrim requires Steam, regardless of where it was bought. Either, you have pirated the game, or someone sold you a pirated copy. In either case, I would advice you to buy the legit game. Piracy is a bannable offense on NexusMods.

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