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Enemy Glitch - Can't kill/Erratic behavior


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I have not played FO3 since original release on consoles, and a friend got my back into it. So I installed the mods he recommended and I use Mod Organizer and LOOT, and FO3EDIT and Merged Patches to sort things out.


What is happening is that sometimes..not always and more rare, enemies just walk in place and kind of bounce around the screen oddly. They cannot be killed when they are glitching, either with normal fire, VATS, or even grenades.


I seem to remember a mod having said something about a combat bug and if it happened the mod couldn't be used but I cannot recall the mod.



I'll try to make a proper mod list and post it but its large so need to work on that, was hoping someone might now of the bug off hand - thanks in advance.

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Fallout 3 has the ability to inject random acts thus there are two scripts running that act upon the player when it enters a cell an area a city interior changing cells fast traveling when you reach your destination you may see random objects characters robots NPC flying through the air this is fallout 3 a haptic kiosco
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