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Mod Removals Due to Community Aggression


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Ok, a lot of people probably wont like this but I'm a premium paid member and I have a right to a voice. Read or comment at your own risk. I have been around the nexus not near as long as some but long enough to actually want to be a part of the community, for gaming wouldn't be the passion its become had it not been for finding out it was possible to make changes to fallout 3 so many years ago. Like I said I'm not as much of a veteran as others who've been with it since Oblivion and before. Alas, to have found out that a simple "optional" mod has been removed completely due to the strain of the complaints and demands of community members, whom I dare say were probably not "premium" members, is extremely disheartening. These people who are making these mods for us to use in the first place are not getting paid to deal with that kind of trouble. It is for the fun of it, to help enrich replayability, and to further add variety to a game you enjoy. I mean come on, seriously, you want to complain because someone added a mod to a site that wasn't lore friendly, or isn't to your style!!! Well then skip over it!! Keep your mouth shut and move on to something you do like. Now if the site moderators have a problem with something thats a different ballgame but if you are just a general free moocher, you have no right to tell them they are wrong for doing something they thought would be cool and does not directly affect you if you just stay away from it. There are soooooo many mods that I decided I didn't like or well thats kinda dumb, but I'm not raking the author over the coals. If you guys dont start being more appreciative of other peoples hard work you will ruin it for everyone and nobody will make mods anymore. Just pull your head out of your crack please and enjoy what is available. Give kudos and endorsements on the things you like, and "constructive" not "destructive" comments on mods you decide are worth putting more time into. I know non premium members can't get me banned for this opinion but to the other premiums if you so chose to I can't stop you but really stop and think, WHY!!!

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Premium or not, author or user, nobody is protected against getting banned, and everybody can report everybody else when they think they violated the rules.

Stating one's opinion without calling names or otherwise getting into trolling/flaming is 'not' violating the rules, no matter how many others might disagree with you, they can't get you banned for it.

Calling a mod 'dumb' in its comments and the like, though, very well is. If you see these things, report them and let us, the site staff, handle them. Do not let it come to the point at which the author packs and leaves over it.


Being Premium or not has nothing to do with it. You get a better service and some additional features when you paid for them, but as you don't pay the authors (which in most cases isn't even allowed) you do not have any more rights to their content, to complain about them, or whatever, than anybody else does. And you most certainly won't get a get-out-of-jail-free card for paying Premium either.

If you see any of the things you complained about here in some mod's comments again in future, and things are getting out of hand, report them and let us take care of them, before it's too late again.


You don't want to see authors driven away by community misbehavior? Report it and help protect them from it. You do not have to stand back and just watch it happen. The button's there for a reason. :thumbsup:

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"Premium" membership confers no special status regarding what behaviour is, and is not, acceptable on the Nexus. And it certainly confers no special right to express your opinion. In fact, there is no "right" to express your opinion here at all. It is a privilege which is automatically extended to all members upon joining, and it can be revoked at any time. This is a private website to which you were invited, the rules of which you (and everyone else here) agreed to follow when you joined.


Now that we've cleared-up the fact that being a Premium Member means nothing in this context, your real issue appears to be that someone decided to remove her/his mod as a result of inappropriate feedback. While we regret that any mods meeting our simple suitability criteria are ever removed by their authors, you provided no specifics, so no one can address the particular case.


As for the general case; all members (including authors) should use the "Report" button for any comments they believe to be out of line. We take mod-, and mod author-bashing seriously. Depending on the situation, offenders may be Warned and their remarks removed, or their accounts may receive more severe restrictions. Repeat offenders are quickly escorted off the premises. Additionally, authors have the ability to remove any posts they wish from their own "Mod Comments" topics, no explanation required


The full text of our Terms of Service regarding this issue is as follows:




File and image database commenting and endorsements
All the rules applicable to forum comments are also applicable to file and image commenting. However, there are additional rules that govern file and image comments, and breaking the file or image commenting rules will draw a more severe response from the staff.

The commenting and endorsement system is available on Nexus sites to provide users with:
  • an interface to offer positive feedback on the functionality of the file in question based on the authors initial intentions
  • the ability to offer constructive criticism on aspects of the file that could be improved
  • the chance to ask for feature requests and discuss such requests with other users of the site or the author
  • the ability to ask for help in troubleshooting problems with the file in question

If your comment does not fit in to the above criteria then do not post. If you disagree with the content of a file on the site then do not post (i.e. do not criticise the file on the basis of your personal likes/dislikes). Simply ignore the file and move on. Do not disparage other mods or other genres of mods in a different mods comment topic. Do not attempt to circumvent the above rules by sugar-coating your disapproval of a mod: if you will not use a mod then refrain from commenting on it.

If you believe the content of the file breaches the Nexus terms and conditions then please report the file for moderator viewing and move on, do not take matters into your own hands.

If your comment contains text that is likely to personally offend other users of the site either in the language you use or the message of your text then do not post. We take personal attacks very seriously and you will be banned without warning.

If you believe that someone elses post does not fit into these criteria then you are encouraged to report the comment in question for moderator review. Above all do not post in reply to the offending comment however good intentioned your post might be, even if you are the author of the file in question. This is known as feeding the trolls and forum vigilantism and is frowned upon by the moderator staff. You may well end up with a suspension from the site if you partake in this activity.




(Note: There are instructions for how to respond to inappropriate comments, and they do not include "Start a flame war in the forums.")

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So... your replying to me under Staff and Moderator status... if it confers no special "rights" then I should just ignore you? Which I do not intend to do, mind you. But please, If you do no intend for elevation of members in the community, then way SELL subscriptions. Why not call it donations and not provide a graphic under their profile pic uplifting them in the eyes of free members. But I digress.


The issue isn't one particular mod and mod author, whom I understand has the right to remove anything and everything they post. But a pelathera of comments over a time frame and multiple mods, that neither of us have to time to track down for proof. I do not know the authors name for when I went to look for the mod all I got was the removal page and the reason for removal... It was Softer Cassandra in case you want to check out for yourself and have a deeper understanding of why my opinion is what it is. Also why I felt the need to make a forum post hoping some would read and pay attention.


I simply wanted to bring attention to EVERYONE what happens when you don't appreciate things. They go away.


Instead I get a moderator telling me I ain't got a leg to stand on, because my paid "elevated" status (look under my picture) means nothing other than I get better access to servers, which is not always true to be honest.


Listen seriously, I'm NOT looking to fight with you. I appreciate your comment and your position. Are you willing to say the same to me. Seriously.


I did post in haste and in anger, though i rewrote several times and it took me over an hour before I finally hit post. But I do apologise for that. I do not apologise nor will I cower on my opinion that your websites members , primarily free members, are starting to get a little out of hand and frankly rude and demanding. I suggest someone actually look into this a bit and maybe even post an article in the news section.


Again, thank you for your time and for having this website in the first place. If it wasn't for the nexus I well would have lost my mind a long time ago to boredom.

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So... your replying to me under Staff and Moderator status... if it confers no special "rights" then I should just ignore you?



That would be ill-advised. You do not ignore staff here. It's just not an option.


Instead I get a moderator telling me I ain't got a leg to stand on, because my paid "elevated" status (look under my picture) means nothing other than I get better access to servers, which is not always true to be honest.



You have a few "perks" (listed here) but you have no more "sway" than the "regular" (non-premium) users have.


That doesn't mean you don't have a voice, just that's it on the same level as every other member on site.



primarily free members, are starting to get a little out of hand and frankly rude and demanding. I suggest someone actually look into this a bit and maybe even post an article in the news section.



Plenty of premium members in the past have been just as bad as many of the "regular" level problem users (sometimes worse), and no - they weren't treated differently than the non-premium users, excepting maybe a refund on their premium membership payment.


Everyone knows there's an issue with problem users (membership status is irrelevant regarding user behaviour), but just because you (general reference) have paid for premium membership, it doesn't afford you any more leverage as far as following the site regulations. This goes for anyone, we don't condone vigilante behaviour either, half the time it's worse and the original offense.


As for your original reason for posting this:


If you see someone misbehaving, report it. that way we deal with it. Part of the reason site staff/Administrators/moderators exist is to tackle problems amongst the membership. Making public posts about it yourself only draws two things - Staff attention (which you've now seen) and the rather unwanted attention of the very same problem users you are complaining about - who, in all likelihood aren't going to just sit by and stay silent. It's not their strong point.


If the user who had posted the mod had reported the attacks on themselves and their files, then something could have been done - by us, the staff - to correct the situation. No one should have to put up with being harassed into removing a file, and they don't have to, never had, never will.

The only people that get to decide what types of content can be posted here - is the site owner and the rest of his chosen staff (who on the matter will voice their opnions to him, after which he would decide on the outcome).


No "comsumer user" regular and premium status alike - gets to say what the final decision on this is. They can voice their dislike of something with the staff (via file reports, or private messages with us) - and make a case for somethings removal, which we would discuss until a proper informed outcome is reached.

No one, and I mean no one on site - should be bullied into removing anything from their file pages due to some random, possibly aggressive but usually idiotic, comments from other people.


You want something done about this situation? Then report the comments, the users and/or the files - state the issue and give us some evidence to work with, and then let us do our job.


To those users that do rant about files just because they do not suit your liking, we have a very simple concept we go by on this site:


"Don't like it? Move on in silence."

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So... your replying to me under Staff and Moderator status... if it confers no special "rights" then I should just ignore you?



That would be ill-advised. You do not ignore staff here. It's just not an option.


Instead I get a moderator telling me I ain't got a leg to stand on, because my paid "elevated" status (look under my picture) means nothing other than I get better access to servers, which is not always true to be honest.



You have a few "perks" (listed here) but you have no more "sway" than the "regular" (non-premium) users have.


That doesn't mean you don't have a voice, just that's it on the same level as every other member on site.


Every member on the Nexus Sites is important to us but people who help to financially support the site are especially important as they've used some of their hard earned cash to help us out.

This is where I'm coming from on the premium membership status


On the first. I also said I did not intend to do that! I have no interest in going against the grain. Had I seen those posts since my decision to try to be a more active member myself I would have reported, alas I didn't get there in time. On the second line. I just want to thank you for this: "That doesn't mean you don't have a voice, just that's it on the same level as every other member on site." That is a little more comforting and easier to accept than just no one has a "right." Honestly even if It was staff that paid attention, thats enough for me... I just needed to be heard. I may have approached it wrong but well only now I know I did. If I was good at communicating people in any way I probably wouldn't even be online. Thank you for your patience with me and for not just slamming the door on me because I got some ruffled feathers. I am very new to trying to participate in the community and look like a bumbling idiot most of the time, this being very obviously one of them. Like I said, someone heard me now I can lay it to rest. I apologise if I pissed off any staff, thats not what I intended. Again thank you for taking the time and with patience and tact (which I absolutely do not have) calmly explaining how I'm wrong and also validating what I was trying to say in the first place.


ps: I like this, it disappears in post though and had to highlight to see it. Still do after copy and paste. "Don't like it? Move on in silence."


To Drake, sorry your post wasn't there a couple hours ago so I'm just seeing it. All of you actually, thank you for at listening to me and replying. This is showing me that there actually is a "community" here. Its just to bad the mod author removed his mod before I could even see and speak up.

Edited by lovesmyguide
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  • 3 weeks later...

I think everyone is getting a bit too emotional on this post and needs to take a step back. What I took most from Lovesmyguide's post was that more people seem to be less appreciative of the talent that goes into each and every mod. If there's a downside to a mod, there's a place to share that, but in doing that, put some upside info as well. No one wants to feel underappreciated when they've worked so hard to present a gift like these mods are. Also, I took Lovesmyguide's reference to Premium membership more of a statement of commitment than status. There are many sites out there and many subscriptions as well to choose from, free and otherwise. To commit to a website with hard earned cash shows a commitment level those who come and go do not share with you. Better service, yes somewhat, but what we premium members are really doing is donating to the cause to help support this site's continued presence and we only do that because we care and appreciate everything you do here. So, I for one, am thanking you wholeheartedly for all your efforts and achievements all these years. They are nothing less than EPIC!

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@Yknotu; I agree with your overall perspective, but I disagree with you about Loveismyguide's post.

From the opening sentence to the very last one, s/he repeatedly invoked "Premium Membership" (or the lack thereof) as somehow conferring a different status.

In this situation it does not, and never will. :armscrossed:

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