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NonContainer stove to crafting stove


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Hi, I want to try and turn all non container stoves into a crafting platform, but I'm haveing trouble, I really don't know how to turn a npc idle object into an activator, could someone help me with this, I've seen other people turn statics and such forth into lootable objects.
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I get I have to make a new item, put the script on it, and then replace them in the cells. But how to I acess the texture and mesh files of the main game, so I can copy the base look of the oven and the like. And is there a way to mass replace items, or do I have to do it individually?
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  • 1 year later...

I get I have to make a new item, put the script on it, and then replace them in the cells. But how to I acess the texture and mesh files of the main game, so I can copy the base look of the oven and the like. And is there a way to mass replace items, or do I have to do it individually?



OK so let me underatnd your Q you want to make a SINGLE custom stove. make it look they way you like it ( IE copy a style already in game. new rusty used ETC) and THEN have it perform the campfire function of opening the recipe menue for cooking?


when i see your replay posted i can help you. i just did ( i think ) the same thing you want in one of my mods.



EDIT i re read your post and it seems you want ALL stoves that ARENT a container ( IE just a 3d object) to now be campfire type cooking items?

Edited by gothiq
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