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Clean Install Crashes at Start


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I've just recently installed Oblivion again after a long time, and when I try to run it (whether from the launcher, from wrye bash or just from Oblivion.exe) I get a black screen then it crashes to desktop.


I've tried it with and without mods, I've tried installing it without Shivering Isles, with an without updating to the current patch, I've tried cleaning the registry with CCleaner, I've tried uninstalling programs that could have installed AC3 (it's probably still here, but I can't figure out what might have installed it) or other codecs, I've tried running as administrator with and without XP SP2 or XP SP3 compatibility, I've tried with and without OSBE, nothing changes.


Based on all the other things I've read in trying to fix this I'm guessing it's an access violation for Windows 7 (exception code c0000005), but how does that help me fix this?


If it matters, I'm using Windows 7 and the original DVD version of Oblivion (currently without any DLC or SI), currently with the version patch installed.

My video card is nVidia GeForce GTX 770 with up to date drivers and plenty of RAM (I've tried with and without the 4GB patch) and cpu cores.


Can anybody help please?

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Have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. You'll see it recommends using the disk to uninstall, not uninstall from the Start button menu. Take a look through all the steps it recommends and maybe you'll see something you either haven't done or did differently.

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