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smart move by bethesda


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i think it's great that they took the best part from most of my favorite mods...it's a win / win; we get to make personalized adjustments to things and they get some first class market research.

simply brilliant...

hats off gentlemen.


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Yeah, but it appears to me Bethesda's are the better storytellers too. An devasted urban setting where you can see the results of Fallout everywhere is the way to go. Point Lookout was not much of an urban setting but still they made it work. I could still feel i was in an post-atomic world because there where residues of civilisation not much advanced since the war (on the contrary). Havin technological advancement AGAIN is a grave mistake in NV. Technology has failed. What left of it and still used is not much more than rubble (take Rivet City or Megaton). Now THIS is post atomic survival. A desert always remains a desert. A Las Vegas never hit by the bomb always remains Las Vegas. Now Washington, that was a scoreched civilisation, a brilliant choice! NV just doesn't breath destruction. It isn't as bleak as FO3.. FO3 had great humour because that humour (promises of the Fifties) was in contrast with the true face of the world. NV has no such humour. I am having less fun here :/
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Yeah, but it appears to me Bethesda's are the better storytellers too. An devasted urban setting where you can see the results of Fallout everywhere is the way to go. Point Lookout was not much of an urban setting but still they made it work. I could still feel i was in an post-atomic world because there where residues of civilisation not much advanced since the war (on the contrary). Havin technological advancement AGAIN is a grave mistake in NV. Technology has failed. What left of it and still used is not much more than rubble (take Rivet City or Megaton). Now THIS is post atomic survival. A desert always remains a desert. A Las Vegas never hit by the bomb always remains Las Vegas. Now Washington, that was a scoreched civilisation, a brilliant choice! NV just doesn't breath destruction. It isn't as bleak as FO3.. FO3 had great humour because that humour (promises of the Fifties) was in contrast with the true face of the world. NV has no such humour. I am having less fun here :/


Wow, stay in your own thread. But wait, NV has no humor? Go play the game a bit more, and take the Wild Wasteland perk. Trust me, some of that stuff is hilarious. As I said in your thread, Fo3 failed in the aspect that, it just didn't feel like a "true" fallout game. As it's own post-apoc game, it worked beautifully, but just didn't feel like Fallout. New Vegas IS much better and I do like that they researched the mods. When I heard about how Chris Avellonne's team checked out popular mods, I was like yeah right. But to see hardcore mode, weapon mods, and various other things in the game, well that was fantastic! I wonder how much Bethesda did contribute though as this was mainly Obsidian's project, and ofcourse Obsidian used to be Black Isle, which worked on Fo2 and Arcanum.

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Yeah, but it appears to me Bethesda's are the better storytellers too. An devasted urban setting where you can see the results of Fallout everywhere is the way to go. Point Lookout was not much of an urban setting but still they made it work. I could still feel i was in an post-atomic world because there where residues of civilisation not much advanced since the war (on the contrary). Havin technological advancement AGAIN is a grave mistake in NV. Technology has failed. What left of it and still used is not much more than rubble (take Rivet City or Megaton). Now THIS is post atomic survival. A desert always remains a desert. A Las Vegas never hit by the bomb always remains Las Vegas. Now Washington, that was a scoreched civilisation, a brilliant choice! NV just doesn't breath destruction. It isn't as bleak as FO3.. FO3 had great humour because that humour (promises of the Fifties) was in contrast with the true face of the world. NV has no such humour. I am having less fun here :/


No need to hijack other peoples threads now. You obviously never played Fallout 1 or 2. The storyline of the original fallout series resemble New Vegas much further then Fallout 3 did. In fact when Fallout 3 was released the Fallout 1 and 2 hardcore gamers criticised the storyline of Fallout 3.


Like I said, if you played Fallout 1 or 2, you would feel much at ease with New Vegas. Based on your interpretation of a "Fallout" world it's obvious you did not get into the series til Fallout 3 and that's okay.

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Yeah, but it appears to me Bethesda's are the better storytellers too. An devasted urban setting where you can see the results of Fallout everywhere is the way to go. Point Lookout was not much of an urban setting but still they made it work. I could still feel i was in an post-atomic world because there where residues of civilisation not much advanced since the war (on the contrary). Havin technological advancement AGAIN is a grave mistake in NV. Technology has failed. What left of it and still used is not much more than rubble (take Rivet City or Megaton). Now THIS is post atomic survival. A desert always remains a desert. A Las Vegas never hit by the bomb always remains Las Vegas. Now Washington, that was a scoreched civilisation, a brilliant choice! NV just doesn't breath destruction. It isn't as bleak as FO3.. FO3 had great humour because that humour (promises of the Fifties) was in contrast with the true face of the world. NV has no such humour. I am having less fun here :/


No need to hijack other peoples threads now. You obviously never played Fallout 1 or 2. The storyline of the original fallout series resemble New Vegas much further then Fallout 3 did. In fact when Fallout 3 was released the Fallout 1 and 2 hardcore gamers criticised the storyline of Fallout 3.


Like I said, if you played Fallout 1 or 2, you would feel much at ease with New Vegas. Based on your interpretation of a "Fallout" world it's obvious you did not get into the series til Fallout 3 and that's okay.




*fanboy high fivez*


Someone else who has played the first two Fallout's and loves the story of Fallout New Vegas. A rare sight these days. I don't blame people for not playing Fallout 1 or 2 though as they are pretty complex RPG's. But is it me or does Fallout New Vegas feel like what Project Van Bueren would have been if it had a kid with Fallout 2? I mean it is set close to the ame area as Van Bueren,and has places like the Hoover Dam, yet all the cities feel like ones in Fallout 2. Goodsprings:Redding Novac:Klamath Nipton: The Den (although Nipton is destroyed in the game, hopefully a mod will let us rebuild it like Kvatch) and New Vegas/Freeside: New Reno. The last one the most. As soon as I got into Freeside I was like, "THIS IS SO AWES-Wait... this is just New Reno in 3D. Oh well New Reno is one of my favorite towns. THIS IS SO AWESOME."

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I'm hoping after seeing this game Bethesda finally start taking writing seriously, for a company that specialises in RPGs their standard of writing is third rate. Oblivion had a not very interesting story and dialogue so dull I was speed reading the subtitles and clicking through most of it. FO3 was even worse, the story was nonsense complete with what must be the worst plot hole I've ever seen in a game. The NPC dialogue was even worse, it ranged from facepalm to laugh out loud bad. In an interview after Fallout 3 Pete Hines said "Dialogue wasn't a battle we wanted to pick", a very odd statement from the representative of a company that makes RPGs. Fallout 3 was an excellent game but it wasn't such a great RPG. Obsidian have raised the bar, lets hope when it comes to FO4 Bethesda rise to the challenge and produce something of the same quality.


Now come on Bethesda, give TES V to Obsidian, you know you want to. :thumbsup:

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FO3 was even worse, the story was nonsense complete with what must be the worst plot hole I've ever seen in a game.

Which plot hole was that?


Right at the end, you have three possible companions that could activate the purifier (Charon, Fawkes, The Robot). That happens right after Col Autumn dies for the second time. This post just about sums it up... http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/918428-fallout-3/46330287

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Erm, I don't know which version of the Fallout 1 and 2 you guys played, but I seem to remember wholesale destruction, depravity and whatnot, things which are also abundant in Fallout 3. And when speaking of plot holes, we have this here dam which is still producing electricity without proper maintenance for more than 200 years? Or how about them police robots - I mean, 200 year old robots are fine in that rare-to-find way, but I think its a bit overdone if you use them in such abundance that they're actually used as a security force, even if they were originally portable TV's or whatever.


I think Fallout:NV needs more thirst, more hunger, more radiation, disease, more desperation. Fallout 3 was generous with the whole post apocalyptic world idea. It's not supposed to be Wild West with lasers and robots, gentlemen - its supposed to be the bleak result of mankind's hubris, delivering a hefty serving of knuckle sandwich to you, the unfortunate descendant of luckless survivors.


Plus a good dose of black humour - its Fallout after all.


Don't get me wrong, I think they did some good things with NV compared to Fallout 3, and F3 storyline is nothing to be overly proud of, but the whole New Reno concept from F2 is a bit overdone in my opinion.

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Erm, I don't know which version of the Fallout 1 and 2 you guys played, but I seem to remember wholesale destruction, depravity and whatnot, things which are also abundant in Fallout 3. And when speaking of plot holes, we have this here dam which is still producing electricity without proper maintenance for more than 200 years? Or how about them police robots - I mean, 200 year old robots are fine in that rare-to-find way, but I think its a bit overdone if you use them in such abundance that they're actually used as a security force, even if they were originally portable TV's or whatever.


I think Fallout:NV needs more thirst, more hunger, more radiation, disease, more desperation. Fallout 3 was generous with the whole post apocalyptic world idea. It's not supposed to be Wild West with lasers and robots, gentlemen - its supposed to be the bleak result of mankind's hubris, delivering a hefty serving of knuckle sandwich to you, the unfortunate descendant of luckless survivors.


Plus a good dose of black humour - its Fallout after all.


Don't get me wrong, I think they did some good things with NV compared to Fallout 3, and F3 storyline is nothing to be overly proud of, but the whole New Reno concept from F2 is a bit overdone in my opinion.


Yeah yeah there was, and so there is in New Vegas. But I don't think the electricity and stuff is overdone, remember, this is the West, unlike the idiots in the East, the West survivors have agriculture and government, and with these you get the ability to create and sustain energy. Fallout 3 was very bleak with very little humor, and while the other fallout games are bleak, the humor and environment outweighs the rest. If you have played Fallout 1 and 2, then I call you a heretic for believing that the games are supposed to be the bleak result of mankind's hubris. You must have obviously started with Fallout 3, took that game as god, then played the rest. For the rest of us who have been playing Fallout since it was released, Fallout 3 as a game was very good, but as cannon was failure. It was depressing. It was green. It was cramped. Fallout 3 was that bleak punishment of mankind's hubris. Whereas Fallout 1 was sorta depressing, but it had that feeling of a great pilgrimage, of discovery. You really felt like the Vault Dweller since you would have had no experience coming into this. All the new settlements and places were new and fantastic. Whereas in Fallout 2, you played a tribal, that had basic knowledge of the wastes. New players were wowed and old players had that same sense of familiarity yet the feeling of discovering something new. The true fallout experience is not one of harsh post-apocalypse survival, but one of renewal. The land have been mostly tamed, agriculture is abound, people are beginning to rebuild life! The Brotherhood of Steel and the NCR are working towards reusing old technology, trade is going on, so on and such. What makes Fallout special is seeing what happens after people rebuild from a 40s sci-fi distopia. It's like A Boy and His Dog and Mad Max combined. Sure it's post-apocalypse like Mad Max, which is what Bethesda followed mostly, but it's also supposed to be darkly humorous and kinda amazing like A Boy and his Dog. Go watch the movie. They still have old movie theaters up showing pornography, and a man leads a group of slaves on this caravan like thing, or the underground society of people in clown make-up living a sci-fi 40's life. True fallout is more A Boy and His Dog than Mad Max, sure it IS kinda Mad Max, but not to the level of Fallout 3, which was a gritty survival Post Apocalypse game. After 280 years people are not going to act like the bombs just fell. Most of the people were born after the war, pre-war is just a distant memory. This is the way of life for people, sure it sucks, but they were born with it, it i not Post-Apocalypse survival, it is a brand new world! I like New Vegas for that reason, The BoS and NCR with all of their resources have taken back electricity, House saved the electricity and spared New Vegas from the bombs, and the Western Atmosphere int he wastelands is perfect. buddy, fallout in the middle of nowwhere like Redding, Klamath, Goodsprings, that IS fallout with cowboys and lazers. Get used to it.


Technically Bethesda got saved for trashing cannon. The East got hit the worst and thus most of the place is just about beyond saving. The super-mutants are 2nd generation and thus they are dumb, so on and such. Fallout 3 WAS gritty post-apoc survival because that was the life over there. However back West with the NCR and what not, things have been made anew. Sorry buddy, but the Fallout series is NOT gritty post-apoc survival. New Vegas is just like Fallout 2. Sure Fallout 2 and New Vegas might be a bit more funny than 1, but 1 is still NOWHERE near Fallout 3. Go actually play the games or read the Fallout Bible. Learn2cannon

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