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Need a ShowMessage Script.


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So, im making a fallout 3 Bible. Im adding 2 verses to each book at the moment. I'v been trying to figure out over the internet how i can make such a script. I know someone else did it. I tried that script, with my own messages, and it didn't work. When i pick up the book Fallout 3 simply crashes, whilst it should add the book to the inventory and display the 2 pages, And the buttons.




short doOnce
short button

BEGIN OnAdd Player

       if doOnce == 0
               showMessage BookPage1
               showMessage BookPage2
               set doOnce to 1
               showMessage ReadAgain


BEGIN GameMode

       if doOnce == 1
               set button to GetButtonPressed
               if button == 0
                       showMessage BookPage1
                       showMessage BookPage2



Thats the script i tried to use. It simply crashes Fallout. I added it to the Book of choice, which at the moment is just a random book. (Havent had time to do the Texture since i'v been nutting with the script) I also created to custom messages which are 2 verses from the old testament.


I want the script to do so that when i pick up the book, it displays message 1 first, and there should be a next page button, to display message 2. I know this is a lot to ask, but could someone please try and make this script for me? Or atleast point me in an direction? My friend is really eager to hunt down these bible samples :P It would help a lot, and i'd be very grateful :)

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