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Serana Scripting Problem


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Hey folks,


I'm doing some updates on the Skyrim Adventurer's Tent, and part of this is updating the scripts I use to move followers into and out of the tent (can't use doors, they don't move, so I use scripted primitive activators). All followers I've tested are working except for Serana. I know she's 'different', and have been through the DLC1_NPCMentalModelScript.psc, functions EngageFollowBehavior() and DisengageFollowBehavior() looking for clues as to how I might be able to detect and move her without specifically scripting an exception for her among all other followers. I want to keep the scripting generic and don't want to have to add the Dawnguard.esm as a master. I've drawn a blank.


Here are some snippets of the code I'm using:

while( i < nMaxFollowers )

	ReferenceAlias raFollower = DialogFollower.GetAlias(i) as ReferenceAlias

	if ( raFollower != None )
		Actor actFollower = raFollower.GetActorReference()

		if ( IsAllowedToMove( actFollower ) )
			MoveNPC( actFollower, Direction )


	i += 1


The above is the loop I use to cycle through the DialogFollower quest, checking for followers to move.

Bool Function IsAllowedToMove( Actor actNPC )

    Bool bRtn = False

    If ( actNPC != None )

	if ( actNPC.IsPlayerTeammate() || \
            actNPC.IsCommandedActor() || \
	    actNPC.GetFactionRank( PlayerFollowerFaction ) >= 0 || \
	    actNPC.GetFactionRank(CurrentFollowerFaction) >= 0 || \
	    actNPC.GetCurrentPackage().GetTemplate() == Follow || \
	    actNPC.GetCurrentPackage().GetTemplate() == FollowerPackageTemplate )
	    if ( actNPC.GetActorValue("WaitingForPlayer") != 1 )
	        bRtn = True



    Return bRtn


And this is what checks to see if a NPC is eligible to move.


As I read the DLC1_NPCMentalModelScript.psc function EngageFollowBehavior(), it looks to me as though the IsPlayerTeammate() check should enable the script to detect her as a follower and move her into or out of the tent. No workie. There have been a few times where Serana shows up inside the tent, but it appears to be at her own discretion. it's a hit and miss proposition.


Any ideas on how I might accomplish what I'm trying to do with this?


Thanks in advance!


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