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Oblivion stops working


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That's odd. The game should not list savegames that are no longer in the MyGames folder. Perhaps Steam keeps its own list of savegames and Oblivion reads it. Try to manually delete the saves from the Load menu (hold pressed Shift when clicking the savegame).



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First thing i like to say is that i have 4Gbt RAM the last info was incorrect, also.


Ok so turns out i had to reinstall the game and i also uninstalled OBMM, i made a folder in my desktop ill re install OBMM there i like to start real fresh and i'll add all mods there.Should i still follow the steps you mentioned for the OBMM? And my next question is i understand that some mods require a different mod manager but is it possible if i had some mods on NMM and some on OBMM would they not cause conflicts (i know i'm repeating the question again but i want to hear it one more time) and if i were to launch Oblivion from one mod manager would the other one be working? And one more thing for the UOP's im pretty sure some of the mods messed up the patches since the patches made most of the conflicts happen after mod installation's can i prevent that happening again?


thank you for all of your help Stiker879 :thumbsup: also i should maybe close this since the issue is resolved, but i should close this since we solved the problem, and in the future how can i contact you if possible or just make new posts when needed.


Thanks again

So the question remains how much memory is on your video card? That info will determine what (if any) of the big environmental texture mods you can use (example Quarls).


I'm going to link you another wiki article by Bben46 ... Oblivion reinstall procedure. Use it as a framework to make sure your uninstall/re-install doesn't leave you with different problems. I'm a non-Steam type myself but it's my impression that Steam makes uninstalling/re-installing rather easy. There are probably instructions somewhere on Steam concerning best practices for uninstall/re-install. Have a look at the "Moving your Steam install location" link near the top of that wiki article page. You don't need to move yours from what I understand (sounded to me like you have Steam installed on a different drive than Windows, in a non-UAC protected folder path). Just have a look to see if there's any pointers that may apply to your situation.


I don't use any mod manager to start my game ... just use a good old fashioned desktop shortcut. To me it seems pointless, and just one more running task in the background robbing Oblivion of precious RAM, but I'm a dinosaur. When I close either Wrye Bash or OBMM when finished doing what I'm doing in there it has no clue what I do with the game after that. On a previous install, before I started using Wrye Bash I used OBMM and manual installs, but generally just used the vanilla game Data Files for activating/deactivating mods. OBMM wouldn't show all the mods that were activated correctly, but that didn't cause me any concern or trouble (but then again OBMM had no clue what I did with my game once I closed it and played ... if you use OBMM or NMM to launch the game your mileage may differ).


Often when going through a re-install you need to delete Oblivion.ini (or rename it as I prefer) to get the game to build a new one. I think that may be what you went through when the game launch stalled at the Bethesda logo screen (your Oblivion.ini is found at Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion for Vista and newer Windows versions).


The whole idea behind the UOPs is that they fix what needs fixing but will allow any other mod to re-fix things how it needs it. That is the reason that the UOPs are loaded near the top of your mod load list, so that other mods can overwrite the changes if required. Some mods don't use an ESP and so aren't load order dependent ... then INSTALL ORDER is paramount. That's why you always install the UOPs before installing other mods. OBMM isn't a very intelligent mod manager so it reports other mod's overwrites of UOP stuff as conflicts ... conflicts that were anticipated by the UOP's authors and are intended to be "the other mod wins" situations.


No need to close this thread ... it's yours to do with as you please (and Ike and I will do our best to hijack ... err, I mean help you on it).

Edited by Striker879
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