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More realistic leather armour replacement?


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i have never actually tried to put pictures in myself. those are far better looking sets than the ones i see folk round my home making. by chance are those pictures from the TV show Vikings?


Given the lack of stringmail, probably not. I don't think Vikings ever used actual chain. Edited by Seattleite
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Either you don't know how armour works, you're trolling me, or most likely both. Your stupidity becomes clear when you refer to "leather scale" on the guard's armour, for two reasons. The first is that scale armour is universally without merit, it's basically armouring somebody head to toe in *gaps*, allowing any weapon right through. Second, that's NOT scale armour, that's a quilted gambeson, which of course as an idiot you don't know exists.


Then it becomes more clear when you refer to the leather in game as "not too bad". No, it would be completely worthless. Leather provides negligible protection against all attacks because it lacks any significant strength or hardness. Making it thick doesn't help much either. The material used in lamellar, cuir bouilli, is rawhide soaked in wax. The WAX provides most of the protection, giving it similar properties to a very hard plastic. This could not be done for the so-called armour used in-game because the pieces are too large, preventing the multiple overlapping layers that make lamellar useful while also making it impossible for the wearer to move wearing it AT ALL. Lamellar is the superior armour because it allows for better mobility than the lazily applied chunks of boiled leather crap used in-game, while also being many times more protective due to the wax and almost any hit location having three overlapping layers.


Not that I expect you to read any of that before you dismiss it, of course. I know better than to expect an idiot like you to listen to anything that doesn't agree with his or her predisposed notions about the subject matter, and the fact that you are likely a troll makes that even less likely.

Edited by Seattleite
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No need to be rude!


I'm pretty sure looking at the Winterhold armour that it has scale on it whereas the markarth variant has quilted padding google it and you will probably see that and agree with me.

Scale is considered quite amazing but not as a head on defense but more of a deflective armour, as an experienced re-enactor having done roman-15th century periods and having fought in lamellar, scale, plate, leather, padding and various other forms of armour I do believe that I'm not an idiot but quite knowledgeable on the subject, whilst curing leathers is not something I'm too knowledgeable about surely it could be applied to any style of armour.


I'm not against Lamellar, in fact I wouldn't mind seeing it in game but I was simply suggesting another style of armour instead an armour that (partially) appears in games. I admit the leather armour in game has major flaws but its a fantasy game and therefore not the end of the world if it doesn't 100% work in real life, hey I even suggested replacing it myself.


This is a forum, an area we can discuss mods and mods we would like to see that's all I did was provide a little discussion which consequently pushed this thread to the first page

Edited by Samuhell666
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