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Problem with Apocalypse Armory


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I have problem with Apocalypse Armory mod.

I'm working on fallout 3 patch 1,7 + 5adds( no mods)


a) I instaled part 1 part 2 upgrade and patch

b) after instaling them my game crash(just after I start it )

c) I tried instaling only part 1 and 2 then with patch or upgrade but always was the same result


Can anyone tell me (in a simple way) how to instal it


Thank you

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first you need to post your actual load order


otherwise its like trying to repair a vehicle by fax


so . . .



reading your fax


it appears that you didn't install some part of this mod


or you activated a {compatibility} patch that applies only to a mod that you didn't install



that leads to





check that you activated only those parts that apply to your particular load order



that means ---


for you ---


don't use the parts that say










as your fax doesn't state that you have either of these mods installed

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