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NPC Level Uncappers?


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Is there a mod that uncaps NPC's vanilla levels?


I would like to see my followers and enemy npcs have the same level as I do.


Cause I use Skytweak and I set the NPC level scaling at higher rates, but they're all still capped at like level 20 or 30.





Also on a separate note, while playing this morning I for some reason noticed my housecarl Calder was level 200... My character is level 200 because console command/bat file all my stats to skip the grind in my new playthrough. But the weird thing is none of my other housecarls are passed the normal level cap of 50. So when I tried to set Calder's level back to 50 as it should be, but for it some reason got stuck at 10. The info box in the console says his Max level is 0 and his Minimum level is 10... I am using UFO as my follower mod. In the console none of the other vanilla follower has anything in the last modified section, while in Calder's info box it says last modified by the UFO esp.

Edited by Havenost
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