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Tried many times. many ways, read so much... can't replace khajii


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I think I know what you mean, I had the same problem also....i cured it by putting the .esp of the Khajiit fix very low in my load order.


I tried that....it appears everything is loading correctly other than the head upon closer observation....the head is still the vanilla texture


Edit:....Um....I also noticed reading over the readme...s....one of the readme files is about TFF_Races_Base_v0-51b.7z....wtf!!!! I can't anything like this on tes nexus

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TFF_Races_Base_v0-51b.7z........That's a body replacer i think...a bit like bab, or Roberts female, i'm not sure, but i think that's been taken down, and it's not something you need as your using the HGEC body.

Have a look in your Oblivion\Data\Textues\Characters folder for a Khajiit folder...the texture for the head should be in there, if not just paste the Textures folder from the RAR file into your Oblivion\Data folder...that should sort the head out.

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Yea it's there....been there lol...Also i just noticed that when I take off my prison robe and pants the texture of the khajiit changes from vanilla to replacement ::blink: ....I don'r know how much that helps though since I think this is just because it is vanilla clothing... I'd like to blame bethseda. I was thinking of somehow fixing this problem using tes constructor but I never modded anything ever lol. Going to try to rebuild bash patch again with the fx....however i am trying to get wrye bash to work again lol :wallbash.


Edit: Yep, still not working...of course you are telling me that your's works right?

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Yes, mine works fine. I do not use wrye bash however....i'm one of the few out there that really does not like it.

The thing about Oblivion is there is no body ( a bit like the matrix 'there is no spoon' ). Its a mesh with texture, and when you equip clothes the body is replaced by the clothing mesh and texture, so you will always have the horrid vanilla if you use vanilla clothes....clothing replacer mods are different, and you will see the difference if you install one.

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