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Question on editing the INI


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"Skeleton swapping must be enabled in the ini and in game or werewolves will appear tailless."- From the Readme.


How do I enable this in the INI? i have already done this in game, but i do not know how to edit the INI. could someone tell me what I need to do?

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I presume the readme has given you the line that needs to be altered...if so, to find the Oblivion.ini look in My Documents/My Games/Oblivion.

There is only one file in there called Oblivion, and that's your .ini file.

Simply scroll down the list till you find the line you need, and alter it's value as directed by the readme.

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"Animated Tails

Unzip this into the data folder if you want tails to be animated.

It's mostly noticeable in the new running and swimming animations.

Skeleton swapping must be enabled in the ini and in game or

werewolves will appear tailless.



that is what I get. in the CurseofHircine INI file, the settings are set to 1. also, i do not see the animated tails folder in my data folder. I am not sure where to look to check ot make sure it is in the right place. (since it is an OMOD ready mod and i used OBMM, i thought that the folder would be placed where it needs to be, but that makes it sound like i need to manually put the folder in the Data folder). I finally found the INI itself, but only through dumb luck. my machine doesn't display the .INI.


; These settings control model swapping for the player and npcs

; OBSE 19 needed for npc model swap

set cidwwsettings.swapmodelplayer to 1

set cidwwsettings.swapmodelnpccomp to 1

set cidwwsettings.swapmodelnpcwild to 1


My question is what does the 1 mean?


; This setting enables the running on all fours animation

; when the player is a werewolf.

set cidwwsettings.toggleanims to 1


I ran on 2 legs with this setting, so i think 1=OFF. but i don't know. Can someone explain this to me?

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so I don't see the animated tails folder in my Data folder. was the omod set to NOT move that folder into the Data folder as is? and if 1 is on and 0 is off, why don't i see my character running on 4 legs with that setting?
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I dont know about the running animation and why that does not work for you, but it sounds like you need to extract the Data folder with the aniamtions from the zip file and place them by hand...Give me a link to the Mod, and I will look at it's folder structure for you.
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Ok..if you unzip the RAR file in a folder you will see a folder called 02 Animated Tails...open this, copy the Meshes folder and paste this into your Oblivion/Data folder and say yes when it asks if you wish to merge it with the Meshes folder already in there. The animations will then be placed, This will not have been done by the OBMM as this is considered an option for the player to do so if they wish.
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