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Hlaalu help!


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I'm playign a female Brenton(arg Curio is anoying) in the house Hlaalu, i'm a kinsman and it says you need 1 skill at 50 and 2 at 15, speed and agility at 31. I've exided all of these requierments but he won't let me advance. What is wrong?
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Do you have the correct skills at that level? Each faction has a list of favored skills that count for the "x skills at level y, a skills at level b" requirement. The duties thing should be clear if that's the problem... you'll get a message saying "you need to perform more duties" when you try to ask about advancement.
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Being a kinsman you shouldn't have to worry about building a stronghold until you are House Father.


For Hlaalu you probably need Sneak, Security, Short Blade, and Speechcraft as the skills that will let you advance. Maybe Light armor and Mercantilism but I'm not completely sure. Just hover your mouse over the faction and it will give you a list of skills that will let you advance in the house.

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One other houses i haven't had to level in just those "favored" skills, and as for the spacifics skills needed it only says speed 31 and agility 31 I've goten to the point where I can't do more duties until i level so i'm lost.... :(
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Speed and Agility are attributes. What you need to increase are the favored skills.


For House Hlaalu they are:

Speechcraft, Short Blade, Mercantile, Light Armor, Marksman, Security


You have to have one of those at 50 and two at 15



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