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The dangers of Esmifying


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Hi, just a quick question about Wrye Bash Esmify function...in order to make a mod of mine working properly I had to esmify Realistic Needs and Diseases...what kind of problems can I incur into ? I needed to do that because I couldn't find any other way to make two other mods that add wells and waterpumps where to refill waterskins and bottle work as expected...

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You can ESMIFY a mod to use it as a parent master on a mod or patch you are creating. However, when you go to test you need to ESPIFY that which you had ESMIFIED. If you do not, the ESMIFIED mod will load with the ESM files and be out of its normal position. This may lead to issues where things you are testing for don't behave in the manner in which you would have gotten had it been loaded lower in the order as a ESP file.

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Nope...it seemed to do the trick but once I espifyed back it didn't work anymore...


So I understand I have to turn and esp into an esm in order to use its resources but keeping it as an esm may, or may not, bring some problems...but when I espify the mod back the resources I added from it don't work anymore or disappear altogether...so any solutions ?...looks like a damn vicious circle to me...

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Fairly certain that you made the mistake of...after you make further edits to your "child" esp, you have forgotten to turn the "parent" esp back to esm prior to edits.


So again. When you have to make further edits to your child esp, you have to esmify the parent again, or CK will lose their reference to the parent when you save your child esp.


A bit of guessing on my part...

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