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Animation issues (perma realted most likely)


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Yeah, sorry to suggest you hadn't read the description but I thought it'd be better to ask just in case. You're supposed to get the files out of the overwrite folder as it is unmanaged and just overwrites anything and everything but most things that will end up in there should be fine, temporarily, as they usually need to overwrite things anyway. Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I hope you manage to get it working, good luck :)

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Yeah, sorry to suggest you hadn't read the description but I thought it'd be better to ask just in case. You're supposed to get the files out of the overwrite folder as it is unmanaged and just overwrites anything and everything but most things that will end up in there should be fine, temporarily, as they usually need to overwrite things anyway. Sorry I couldn't be of more help but I hope you manage to get it working, good luck :smile:

No, you're right to assume that I don't know anything/to lazy to read, especially since I didn't really state that I have been modding my game quite a bit. Even those who make the mods will eventually forget something.

Yeah, It seems like it didn't really matter.. I haven't done anything with my overwrite folder now, and yet it is working somehow.. I've just reinstalled the whole thing, did it the exact same way as I had before.. This issue really is giving me a headache. I guess my game was corrupted in some way or like the .hkx (skeleton) were missing or in the wrong placer. Although I dont have both XPMS and XPMSE this time so you might have been right about what caused the problem. I don't know why it works but it's nice to have it running once again!

We somehow got it running! Giving me hints and ideas that leads to solving it is all I ask for. Doesn't really matter if it was because of your suggestions or w/e. I wanted a stable game and by combining our thoughts my wish was ganted :laugh:

Thank you! :kiss:

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