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Real names for guns


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This is always a pet peeve for me for all games and seems like it would be a simple mod and popular.


Just renaming all the guns to their real life counterparts (assuming they have one)




(these are the ones that I know off the top of my head)



The 9mm pistol - Browning Hi-Power Mk I

The silenced .22 pistol - (a modified) Ruger Mark II

The .44 revolver - Smith & Wesson Model 29

The hunting rifle - Remington Model 700

The .357 revolver - Colt Single Action Army

The assault carbine - Colt Model 933 Carbine

The service rifle - AR-15

The 9mm SMG - M3 "Grease gun"

The .22 SMG - American-180

The hunting shotgun - Remington 870 Express

The lever action shotgun - Winchester 1887

The cowboy repeater - Winchester 1886 Repeater

The trail carbine - Winchester 1886 Sporter

The grenade launcher - M79 Grenade Launcher







and so on

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the problem is to name the guns you have to have the permission of the company which often means shelling out obscene amounts of money just to call it an AK-47.
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I just made this mod for you, changing the names of the weapons you listed along with a couple of other Fallout universe guns; the Sig-Sauer 12.7mm Pistol, the Glock 86 Plasma Pistol (replaces Plasma Defender). I'm just going to test it now. Will upload soon, as long as it's not illegal to rename the guns because of brand names. It shouldn't be, due to no money changing hands, but if it is, someone tell me in this topic and I won't upload it to the nexus.


EDIT: Mod works. Once uploaded to the Nexus (depending on verdict over the names), I can start modifying other weapon names.

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