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Minigun Backpack stuck on character


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Hi, wierd bug (i think), i've been using minigun with both mods on it and now for some reason the minigun backpack is stuck on my character no mather what i try to do.

I've, disarmed, reloaded, dropped it, stashed it and traveled away n saved and reloaded again, took of every thing from the char. Still my character have the backpack stuck to it.


Any one that faced and fixed this? or any one with some bright idea?



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  • 6 months later...
are you using the WME or WMX Pack? I encountered this bug with WMX, The only way to avoid it was to not modify backpack/handle weapons altogether, Being Miniguns, Flamethrowers, Incinerators, etc.
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Actually, I got that on both the grenade machinegun and the minigun before I started running WMX. (Tho I can't recall whether they were modded. Don't think so, I think it was Mercy and the CZAvenger.) Was really persistent and super-annoying.


The last time it happened was maybe a week ago with a modded minigun (Minigun "M" from AWOP - and I had WMX by that time). I was able to get rid of it fairly quickly by.... hmmmn, I think I dropped it, equipped a non-backpack weapon, then quick saved/ quick started... I think that was it but can't remember exactly (big help I know. Especially since I reread your post and looks like you already tried that - sorry. Though I just noticed the date of the original post too - maybe the various patches since then have helped a bit.)

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Zup, thx for answer, yea i know this post is old. Still have the bug, running WME, but with or without it, any mods to weps with backpack gives the same result.

Though i worked out a fix (then 2010) i just had to reload to the nearest save not in that particular area.

Now with new patches and stuff it work when i reload to previous save before equipping it.

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