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Creating a Companion


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I've been working on a companion, but I've been having trouble with the script saving. I'm pretty sure that it's something with GECK, cause I'm sure that it's not a scripting error so i'm either doing something wrong or somethings wrong with the NV GECK.

Either that or the FO3 tutorial for making companions doesn't work for NV which doesn't make sense :/ There are some tutorials I'm sure on FO3Nexus and on other sites as well, just google Companion Tutorials GECK or something :P

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I've been working on a companion, but I've been having trouble with the script saving. I'm pretty sure that it's something with GECK, cause I'm sure that it's not a scripting error so i'm either doing something wrong or somethings wrong with the NV GECK.

Either that or the FO3 tutorial for making companions doesn't work for NV which doesn't make sense :/ There are some tutorials I'm sure on FO3Nexus and on other sites as well, just google Companion Tutorials GECK or something :P


By default the NV Geck doesnt let you save scripts which has errors in them, you do not however get any error message, it just keeps asking you if you want to save the script.


There is a nice fix out there for this however, http://www.mdn.fm/files/217839_cobrz/ScriptError1.zip.


Unzip the files to the same directory as the nv exe and geck exe, then launch geck with the launcher included in the zip and you'll get script error messages as in the old FO3 Geck.

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I've been working on a companion, but I've been having trouble with the script saving. I'm pretty sure that it's something with GECK, cause I'm sure that it's not a scripting error so i'm either doing something wrong or somethings wrong with the NV GECK.

Either that or the FO3 tutorial for making companions doesn't work for NV which doesn't make sense :/ There are some tutorials I'm sure on FO3Nexus and on other sites as well, just google Companion Tutorials GECK or something :P


By default the NV Geck doesnt let you save scripts which has errors in them, you do not however get any error message, it just keeps asking you if you want to save the script.


There is a nice fix out there for this however, http://www.mdn.fm/files/217839_cobrz/ScriptError1.zip.


Unzip the files to the same directory as the nv exe and geck exe, then launch geck with the launcher included in the zip and you'll get script error messages as in the old FO3 Geck.


Didn't work for me. I'm having trouble with the quest scripting mostly. I did have trouble with making the script under Scripts, but I think it was because I did copy/paste cause I retyped it in and it worked for me. But I just have 2 lines in the quest script:


set 0RazorDeathclawREF.RazorHired to 1

set 0RazorDeathclawREF.RazorFired to 0


and it keeps failing to compile :/

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Didn't work for me. I'm having trouble with the quest scripting mostly. I did have trouble with making the script under Scripts, but I think it was because I did copy/paste cause I retyped it in and it worked for me. But I just have 2 lines in the quest script:


set 0RazorDeathclawREF.RazorHired to 1

set 0RazorDeathclawREF.RazorFired to 0


and it keeps failing to compile :/


Sorry to jump on this but how did you declare the REF?


I'm having the same issue with virtually the same line of code in the VNPC followers quest / Dialogue. (The quest that controls the followers tactics and whatnot) For me it has to do with the REF that's being used. I can't seem to figure out where they declared the REF for any of the followers. I tried using the GetSelf method to tie the Ref ID to a Short (MyFollowerREF) in a script just to see if it would work but no dice. I can't seem to figure it out. I got most of the other stuff working, the GUI wheel, following, waiting and inventory. All I need is to figure this out and I'm home free.


Once I get this dam thing working I would be more than happy to post a tutorial of some kind.

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Sorry to jump on this but how did you declare the REF?


I'm having the same issue with virtually the same line of code in the VNPC followers quest / Dialogue. (The quest that controls the followers tactics and whatnot) For me it has to do with the REF that's being used. I can't seem to figure out where they declared the REF for any of the followers. I tried using the GetSelf method to tie the Ref ID to a Short (MyFollowerREF) in a script just to see if it would work but no dice. I can't seem to figure it out. I got most of the other stuff working, the GUI wheel, following, waiting and inventory. All I need is to figure this out and I'm home free.


Once I get this dam thing working I would be more than happy to post a tutorial of some kind.


I dunno if this is what you're looking for, but did you put the companion in the world yet, as in drag it in the render window? Once you do that, you double click on your companion and it'll bring up a window where you type in your REF ID. I'm not sure on how to make the GUI wheel or where it is in GECK so maybe you can help me with that :S I know a little about GECK but not a lot :P

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Go to your companion and add this to it's object script.



begin GameMode

SetPlayerTeammate 1





The companion GUI wheel is a universal application. So you don't need to edit the wheel at all just add the NPC to your team with the SetPlayerTeammate command and the wheel will pop up every time you talk to that NPC. this shouldn't be done the way I did it above because the NPC in question will be on your team indefinitely. Ideally, this should start at 0 and be set to 1 when the NPC is hired and set back to 0 when fired but I haven't gotten that far yet.


Unfortunately, while the wheel itself works, it has no functionality. meaning none of the options you can select from it will effect the NPC. To get the options working, you need to edit the dialogue. To do this, don't use the edit dialogue option just yet. First, go to quests under actor data and filter for VNPCFollowers. that is the quest containing all of the dialogue and the functions or mini scripts that will enable any of the companions abilities. after you add some dialogue be sure to go to your NPC's base edit page and use the Dialogue editor and export the dialogue otherwise every NPC in the game will have that Dialogue! once again though, that is not all you will need to do. under your NPC edit base page, you will need to add the proper AI packages and conditions to allow following and waiting. I recommend opening up the AI packets of another follower Like Boone or Cass and creating your own new packets based of of theirs by creating a new packet and duplicating the settings and flags. look at the conditions and do your best to duplicate them for your NPC.


That's pretty much everything I've done so far. but those REFs aren't working so I need to either figure it out or find a work around.


I dunno if this is what you're looking for, but did you put the companion in the world yet, as in drag it in the render window? Once you do that, you double click on your companion and it'll bring up a window where you type in your REF ID. I'm not sure on how to make the GUI wheel or where it is in GECK so maybe you can help me with that :S I know a little about GECK but not a lot


That's not the REF ID, that is the Editor ID. there are three IDs used here. The editor ID which is used to identify that world object in the editor. then there is the Base ID which is used to refer to the Template from which that object was created. then there is the Ref ID that is assigned at random (and different every time) to the objects in the actual game world. So the reason your scripts aren't compiling is that your are using the wrong ID and that type of ID (Editor) won't accept those commands.

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Ok, I got the basics working. He's following me around :P It was the stupidest thing ever. I had my REF ID set to 0RazorDeatclawREF. So I took the 0 out of the ID and low and behold the script compiled :P So apparently putting a number will make it screw up. I just put the 0 there to put it on the top of the lists, but I guess you can't do that with the REF ID.
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