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Starting an "hardcore" playthrough, need your experience from mods


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Download Requiem, arrows 1 shot you early if you're not heavy armor, power attacks... well... same. Most traps 1 shot you, dragons... oh boy, take some heavy mres potions and elements potions and well... don't go close to its teeth... actually try avoiding claws... and the tail too... wings... to be honest dont fight dragons unless you are 100000% sure you can kill them, dragon priests.... hahahha.... nope, ain't gonna happen without crazy dawnbreaker procs, heavy anti undead wards, spells.

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Now seriously... Requiem is my nr1 mod since aaaa long time. It makes game HARD, but not like stupid hard, yea you get 1 shoted by some things early because you have no means to defend against them but Requiem provide all the ways to prepare to specific encounters... archers scares you? Be quick on your feet, use environment to your advantage, summon a melee undead right onto them, dragons? u need a lot of consumables and high health pool, undeads? silver + resto spells, constructs? lighting spells/arrows/traps/blunt weaponry but srsly with your hardcore approach I'd prepare to die a lot with Requiem so that kinda ruins your experiance. I suggest you to try Requiem without Dead is dead at first... play it up to lvl 20 or something, see what you can expect and them try with Dead is Dead but I guess you'd need to progress reallly REAAALLY slowly, watching ur steps at every turn, always aware and fall back a lot and not even trying to fight big bandit camps with 2+ archers or mages (especially lighting ones, cant dodge these)

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If you do both, chop wood and/or sell veggies to earn gold for heavy armor training - no unnecessary levels in anything (such as speech) that might gimp your character early on. Buy pots from any vendor that sells them, pick up all the light weight healing food. Do small favour quests that will get you access to extra items in people's shops and houses. Get good armor early on - it's worth a few levels in smithing for the improvements. Use all of your resources.

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