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Crazy Graphics Mod


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Hey guys, I'm looking for some help with finding mods that auto-adjust your graphics settings everywhere.


The reason is that I am playing oblivion right now and I have a s*** load of mods installed and I am unable to find the graphical mod(s) that is causing this problem. I have a very low end computer and I usually set things on low mostly, other than the fades but this mod keeps adjusting everything from fades to shadows to everything else other than the texture size, AA, resolution, etc., and it is getting really annoying playing with so much lag and stuff.


So I was wondering if any of you could help with this.

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Streamline is definetly one of them. If you have this then go to streamline settings page with ctrl+home in-game and disable streamsmooth if i remember correctly! :)

Although there was one more but i can't remember it. stutter remover or something like that :) But check streamline, i bet you have that one! :)

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StreamSmooth is the thing this guy is looking for. The is another that only adjusts Graphics settings, however Streamline is the best for this. You could also try Oblivion Stutter Remover and weOPCS (Wendums Oblivion Crash Prevention System). The three plus a few ini tweaks and you should be on your way to a beautiful gaming environment.<br><br>However, if you are actually trying to find a culprit...you could check for Combat FPS Optimizer, this does what you are saying is being done with your game. It auto matically adjusts those settings you specify.<br>
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Yeah, exactly!!! The Combat FPS optimizer was the one which automatically messed up the graphics sliders. Disable that and StreamSmooth from streamline and you are good to go! :)
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