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Addendum for Legacy


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First of all I would like to express how impressed I am with everyone who is playing, superb job.


Now on to why I'm making this topic. I've thought about it a little bit and have decided to 'tweak' the skil system in several ways to make my job less arduous every time a skill check is made. What this means is that I will be using a different calculation that produces a probabilty that you will succeed against the skill of a criterion that I set. It's a statistical equation that produces a more solid probability against different variables. I'll need to test it out several times to see if it will produce the correct numbers but since everything here is on a scale of 0-100 I don't think there will be too many conflicts if at all.


Next is the leveling, I've changed that a little bit because I decided it would be easier to assign points at the end of a level rather than assigning them through the level. This means the characters will choose which skills they want to boost as well as attributes. Like morrowind every level will get you 10 hero points which you have to spend accordingly:


1 HP = 1 raise in a primary skill of your choice (no more than 5 raises / level)

2 HP = 1 raise in a secondary skill of your choise (max 3 raises)

3 HP = 1 raise in an untrained skill of your choise (max 1 raise)

4 HP = 1 raise in an attribute of your choise (depending on what attribute i see you most using during a level I will specify if it will take less HP's to raise an attribute, for example, if you use Short Sword a lot I might give you a 2:1 or 1:1 ratio for raising strength instead of the standard 4:1).


Here's the formula I will be using to calculate the chance you have to hit or succeed.


Probability(Success) = Skill / Criterion (0 - 100)


And then I make a % role


Damned easy right?


Last on the list...in all honesty this initial sequence is coming to an end, though there is still much more to cover I would like feedback on what you think of the RP so far. I would also like current players to tell me if they think adding another one or two RP'ers would be a welcome addition since Ashjam has dropped off and Matthias will be taking a back seat at least for a bit.


Keep up the good work, see you in the thread.

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1) I like the new system.. the old one seemed a bit too complicated.

2) I do see one problem though... if your skill is equal to or greater than the difficulty, then you automatically succeed? Is that intended?

3) As for new players... if it can be done and fit the story well, why not?

4) So far? Looking pretty good, though without much chance for combat/skill checks I can't say too much about the new rules stuff.

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Story is definitely starting to pick up now, but it started off a bit slow... also, IMHO you need to introduce more action or something, there's no point in having a leveling system at all if we recieve points once in a blue moon, and there's no fighting taking place (who wants to stand and fight when you're level one? lol). At this rate, we'll be level one when we finish, too...New rpers? sure! Like Peregrine said, just make their introduction blend in with the story. After all, we've lost Ashjam like you mentioned, and as far as I can tell we currently have three active rpers, being myself, Peregrine, and Avelyn (not including thenateros) . Couple others are in here but post rarely.
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Yes, because you decided to go off and kill someone massively higher level than you! What did you expect to happen? Go try and take on umbra at level 1 in the real game and see how long you live. And also, you were posting, but completely off topic! The story is not about you and umbra, so honestly, I don't think you'll be missed too much.
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Yea peregrine...OT he already knows all of that.


Anway, well yes as the rules are written lower criterion against a higher skill check means uber success. But like everything in life success CAN be measure in varying degrees. So a stealth check where you come out with a 110% chance to succeed means you are capable of performing more actions than if it was even at 100%


The story line should make room for more people once everyone finally comes together and forms a party, which has yet to occur but for one brief occassion.


Anyway, I think that should about do it for now there really isn't anything else I have to comment on other than I'm glad this RP is heading in the direction that I was hoping it would....I was nervous that it was going to die after a little while.


Also if you have anyone in mind you think would be a good addition to the RP let me know and I'll make a list of candidates to extend invitations to. Please do this over PM.

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Ok, sorry if I'm stealing your authority/job!


As for checks... am I understanding this right?

1) Find % chance of success

2) Roll vs that % to know success or not

3) Amount by which succeed or fail determines magnitude of success/failure


So say lvl 40 skill vs. lvl 20 objective:

-Formula gives 200% chance of success, so automatic success of some kind

-A roll of 10% would be a very narrow success, but a 90% would mean complete sucess + a bonus


Then lvl 20 skill vs. lvl 40 objective:

-Formula says 50% is the minimum for success

-10% is massive cutting-off-own-arm failure, 45% is failure but close enough not to be hurt by it, 55% is barely succeeding, and 90% is 1-hit-kill-with-a-rotting-stick success bonus


Am I interperting this right? (Yes, I know its probably not too relevant for now, but I'm thinking about starting my own rp thread soon, and I might steal it)

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Yes and no


Lower to 0 you roll the more success you have, why? Well if you have a skill at say 70 and the criterion is at 100, that leaves a 30 % chance of failure right? To keep things on the scale fluid any score over 70 fails and any score under 70 succeeds. It's faster than having to set the success criterion at 30 or above succeeds, this way is faster.


In most cases the criterion set is relative, since it can all be converted to a scale based on 0 - 100. So even if you were attempting some rediculous feat of uberness that set a 2000 criterion against your lvl 100 skill, that means you have a miraculious .5 % chance of succeeding (since I round up a 1% chance). That's what the equation is basically stating, that all criterion against skill checks are relative % wise on a 0 - 100 scale.


Does that make it clearer or did I just confuse you even more?

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