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Head bobbing


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head bob is artificial anyway. walking or running and sighting on something your head/neck, and eyes are quite capable of tracking and you'll perceive no noticeable 'bob' not saying anything's wrong with wanting a mod that does it. but i've been thankful that beth hasn't cheesed out and done it. bob was a way to artificially increase difficulty in fps's...fake realism. realistically...your head doesn't bob enough to make your eyes lose tracking unless you're in a vehicle, drunk, going over endless speedbumps >.>
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I noticed there was one that was on Fallout 3. I tried using that one, hoping it would work on NV, but it didn't.


Can anyone possibly convert that one or make a new one for New Vegas.


That would be great!!


Thanks :D


I have made a port to new vegas, but I don't have permission to upload it.

So I will teach you how to do it yourself (don't worry it's easy as cake).


Get the mod from fo3nexus and open it up with fo3edit.

Load only fallout3.esm and headbobbing.esp.

When it finishes click the + next to the headbobbing.esp

Then click FileHeader, On the right side of the screen double click the MAST - filename Fallout3.esm

A new window will pop up, rename the fallout3.esm to falloutNV.esm.

now close the programm and a window will pop up if you wish to save the changes click the tick in the lower right corner.

Now copy the headbobbing.esp from fo3's data folder to FO:NV's data folder.

Enable the .esp via launcher/mod manager and enjoy!


If you need any more help PM me.


It may have some bugs because you only changed the required master file, and bear in mind the script was made for Fallout 3, not New Vegas.


Basically you can do this with any mod if it doesn't add anything to the gameworld...

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