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I had 75 chamelion points , but in order that people do'nt see me I had to sneak :closedeyes: . It would be nice to be able to walk with it though, still it was worth it. I used it alot when closing oblivion gates- its so much fun to climb the tower like that! I also killed deadera along the way, just for the fun of see them fall aaall the way down. ;)

I just wonder how much chameleon you had and how did you use it? :)

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You can achieve 100% Chameleon all too easily. Same effect as permanent invisibility.


The thing about invisibility or chameleon is that NPCs can still hear your footsteps if you're not sneaking. They'll be aware of your presence— they just cannot target you (if you're invisible or at 100% cham).

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With Invis, some enemies can target you while walking. Of course, it requires you to have caught their attention somehow first (surely killing their buddy didn't have anything to do with it...*innocent whistle*), but there are enemies that will just keep on coming unless you find a dark corner and sneak away.
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You can achieve 100% Chameleon all too easily. Same effect as permanent invisibility.


The thing about invisibility or chameleon is that NPCs can still hear your footsteps if you're not sneaking. They'll be aware of your presence— they just cannot target you (if you're invisible or at 100% cham).


You mean with a 100 they can hear you but they cant see you ? becouse in invis. they dont suspect im there at all, and neither can they hear me,well not that the show it; becouse if i go to sneak the crosshair is dark, and that means they have no idea im right there next to them...

but whats the point? if you cant loot a cave with invis, its just like uneffective and short 100% chameleon, so i prefer chameleon.

I wish i had 100% thoguh :rolleyes:...

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I use this. It works just fine, but I don't see the point in not wanting them to hear you. They can't kill you, so what's the point?


If you want to kill something as an assassin, the quickest way is with stealth, because you get a damage multiplier when you attack someone who doesn't detect you. When they hear you, you can't get that damage multiplier anymore, so fighting takes longer.

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The problem with 100% chameleon (get the Ring of Khajiit to start you off) is that there is NO challenge whatsoever. Even on maximum difficulty nothing can attack you. What, I ask, is the point?


Where is the difference from cheating? You might as well TGM from the start!


To get the best out of the game you have to try for some kind of balance and it's not so easy to do.


The game does not always help. When my very green level one character struggled to close the gate at Kvatch the descendent Sigil Stone gave 15 points of shock damage on strike.


Eh? The sword kills just about everything at level one in one or two blows! (Standard difficulty).


But at least I don't level up too fast anymore and find it's all the other way.

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I use this. It works just fine, but I don't see the point in not wanting them to hear you. They can't kill you, so what's the point?


If you want to kill something as an assassin, the quickest way is with stealth, because you get a damage multiplier when you attack someone who doesn't detect you. When they hear you, you can't get that damage multiplier anymore, so fighting takes longer.






Then take your boots off and walk! Besides, that never happened to me when I was sneaking being an assassin! Those people must've been deaf or something. Oh, and Malchick, I don't use it all the time. I only use it for stealing from people and assassinating others (naughty me!), and when I can't be seen. And other times. For example, when people attack me with bows in the Arena (the Arena and bows don't mix for me). Otherwise, I wan't people to know it was me, ME, who killed them. Yes, I am violent.

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I use this. It works just fine, but I don't see the point in not wanting them to hear you. They can't kill you, so what's the point?

Sorry no cheating :happy: . you think i just got these things from the market district ? i stole one ring from the countess, i got the other ring with a quest ( the Khajit one ) and i had to clear a very tough fort ot get the other thing whatever it is. It bassically means that hard work pays off!


If you want to kill something as an assassin, the quickest way is with stealth, because you get a damage multiplier when you attack someone who doesn't detect you. When they hear you, you can't get that damage multiplier anymore, so fighting takes longer.


I do always atack them 6x or 3x depending what i use. The trick is they just run up to where you are around and STARE right in your face o_O! And they dont detect you (the crosshair is dark). If you dont move, after a few secs they will decide it was nothing and turn back around. Bethseda forgot to add the 'memory' texure to theyre little PC operated brains, so they dont realize i already hit them like 10 times and always do the same thing. It basically means they dont detect me if i hit them with damage multiplyer ( BTW to do this you need high Sneak skill, so i always wore my precios little Gray Fox Cowl...)



The problem with 100% chameleon (get the Ring of Khajiit to start you off) is that there is NO challenge whatsoever. Even on maximum difficulty nothing can attack you. What, I ask, is the point?


Where is the difference from cheating? You might as well TGM from the start!


To get the best out of the game you have to try for some kind of balance and it's not so easy to do.


The game does not always help. When my very green level one character struggled to close the gate at Kvatch the descendent Sigil Stone gave 15 points of shock damage on strike.


Eh? The sword kills just about everything at level one in one or two blows! (Standard difficulty).


But at least I don't level up too fast anymore and find it's all the other way.


I know, i only use it for the boring stuff! [only!]. like , closing an oblivion gate! im closed it in

kvatch,bruma,anvil,bravil,cheyndanhel,leyawwinn,skingard and chorrol gates and after closing 2 or 3 its just as old as the 'lucky old lady' statue, standing there, all old and, well, old... Also some caves are really dull with many big ogres that give you no more than theyre yellow gross teeth.

But ofcourse I would never hide when killing Huminoids! when killing Bandits and Maraders i feel like im in one of those fun Killing Sprees in the Market District with the Imperial Watch ;)

It bassically means that Chameleon is very legal in Cyrodyll. Doesnt it o_O ? oh well im out of wisdom...

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When you are able to get in arcane university you can make items with 20% chameleon with grand soul gems.


I used 100% chameleon for a while and got bored. Full glass armor with +10 strength in each part is better in my opinion.

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