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How to Block 100% Help!


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If you want to sift through the animation events and register for the animation events related to blocking. Once you register for the events, use OnAnimationEvent to switch your value to mimick blocking vs not blocking. I would use a binary system to keep track if you are using this as a value check within a OnHit() event


On a brief look through on I saw a blockStop animation event for One-handed swords, but I am not sure if this is the right event or the other events.




Outside of this, while still using a binary system, unfortunately I believe (not 100% on this one) that you might need SKSE for this feature. Use GetMappedKey() to get the block key and assign it to a property, and use OnKeyDown() event to listen for the key being pressed.


Since players will change block eventually, you will need to register for a menu event via RegisterForMenu("Main Menu") and have OnMenuClose event to re-assign the key after the main menu closes.

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How do i make this work???


scriptname scname extends form

Event OnKeyDown(Int 18)
Debug.Trace("A registered key has been pressed")




Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "scname"...
D:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\scname.psc(3,16): no viable alternative at input 'int'
No output generated for scname, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on scname

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You don't put in the # of the KeyCode. That's an event, not a function. You don't put actual values into the parameters.


It should be Event OnKeyDown(Int KeyCode). Then put the code inside that event inside an If block (If KeyCode == 18).


You need to register for that key somewhere first.

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GetMappedKey() gets returned as -1 and nothing happens in game help plz


Scriptname L00VScBlock extends form

actorbase property playerref auto

Event OnKeyDown(int keycode)
If KeyCode == -1
Debug.messagebox("A registered key has been pressed")

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