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How to Block 100% Help!


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Register for key will not register until the player enters bleedout due to your event chosen (it is not the function to register for the key at fault, but the timing due to the chosen event). So the moment you start blocking, it will not apply the Key check until a bleedout event occurs. Logically speaking, you want an event such as Matthiaswagg's example of OnInit () that will register your key from an event early on.


On combat state change could work as an event because it will register your key on your first combat encounter.

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so once the key is registered then the second script should work yes? If thats the case then there is nothing wrong with me using the bleed out event for testing purposes since the player is back up 5 seconds later, the script is run the player doesn't die, key gets registered. So it must be something else. Mathias says the property has to be filled in, with what exacly?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Correct me if I'm wrong but why not just go for a simple perk solution?


For example, giving the player a perk with ModIncomingDamage (0). And the conditions for the attacker can make use of GetLineOfSight, or GetRelativeAngle (I only know the numbers for getting behind the target though). And IsBlocking obviously, for the player.


The same perk could have ModAttackDamage and set it to zero when the target "isblocking" and GetLOS / GetRelativeAngle.


Then give the player the perk. It would make blocking 100% for the player and for enemies who are blocking the player, but not for enemies blocking other actors/creatures, unless they have the perk. Sorry, if that is not enough, then this solution is not applicable.


It would need testing to see how close this resembles "real" 100% blocking though.

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