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How do i put pictures in my signature?


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Isee people that hve there signature with words a pic then more below the pic(example Akis) how do i do that?


Nice to know somebody saw my signature :) what I did: i just registered in Imageshack.us , then i posted in theis image - resised to 284*320, and then i just copied the pic's website and put it in as signature (the Insert Image tab on the top )

Oh and 'not on the net'? not possible...


(notice 284*320 EVB so, not breaking any rules i hope...)

Switch just said it that the rule-maximum was 450x300, not x320 :)

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That is true, actually. I hadn't noticed because it was only slightly over, but perhaps reducing your sig size would be an idea, Any@. It is very tall, especially with that large text underneath...


Also, I would recommend Photobucket over Imageshack any day, personally. Plenty of space, reliable, and they don't slap pop-ups on anyone who clicks your images (last time I checked, anyway).

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That is true, actually. I hadn't noticed because it was only slightly over, but perhaps reducing your sig size would be an idea, Any@. It is very tall, especially with that large text underneath...


Also, I would recommend Photobucket over Imageshack any day, personally. Plenty of space, reliable, and they don't slap pop-ups on anyone who clicks your images (last time I checked, anyway).


There, i changed it. It says its 237*290 now. Sorry if i caoused any, uh, inconvenience ;)

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