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some help with colovian traders


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hi guys,


first post, and i need some help, i've bought the house in skingrad, and i'm supposed to go to colovian traders to outfit it, but the damned place is never open, the orc i bought the house from is forever standing outside it, but he's no help and i cant get in to buy my furnishings. might anyone know why? am i doing something noobish and wrong? or is it just another bug?


if anyone can shed a little light on this i would be exceptionally grateful, and thats quite a bit when you think about it lol


many thanks in advance



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Any mods added? Any changes to timescale? Have you killed/resurrected him previously? Did you steal his key? Have you tried going inside anyway? (use unlock if needed) Try going into the console with "~" key, clicking on him, then typing "evp". If this doesn't work, when it says something like "package travel" or something, remember what it says, and say it here.
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If the proprietor of the shop was killed, it would explain why the shop isn't opening for bunsiness. It does happen. Surootan, the merchant you're supposed to buy furniture for your house in Bruma, has ended up dead in one of my game incarnations (luckily I fitted the house out before he picked a fight with that Nord bodyguard...)
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Make sure you are trying between 9 am and 9 pm! But, that happens to me with some other mercants, so I suggest put it off 'til later, then do it later. It's what I do when I want to buy something and the mercant's being a retard (damn Rossan!).
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lol, yes i've got lots of mods added, all the official ones, pets, companions, houses, weapons, lockpick mold, i've got lots of them in there. i havent killed the guy as far as i know, so i'll have a go at unlocking the door and getting in and seeing whats afoot, i've also tried the shop at many different times during the day and the damn orc is always standing there and the door is red and locked



but i reckon its worth another go!!


cheers guys, a great response and much appreciated




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