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Carry On Skyrim: M.H.A.R.P.H.I.N.

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Aha, I think I may have cracked It!


Mharphin triggers battle soundmarkers with taunts and NormalToCombat dialogue. I tested removing these and he seems to function normally. I will do a bit more testing to make sure.


But hopefully, the issue could have always been due to him trying to call a script and checking globals during combat :blush:

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I laso noticed that he drops aggro if sent into bleedoutmode and his aggression is set to anything less than very aggressive, but that is unpredictable so maybe due to the script u mentioned anyway np i feel i need to help or at least try to help after all the help i got from this community, give something back you know?

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Bu**er! It's not the scripts and nor is it bleedout :confused:


After more testing tonight I have tried the following with no success (all separately).

  • Removing his race steam ability
  • making Mharphin invulnerable
  • Setting him to a default race (well copying original stats)
  • Removing scripts
  • Playing without using spells (recently created a summon Mharphin spell)
  • Tweaking his race; remove the no knockdowns..

He works fine for a time, but he seems to get confused by being attacked unexpectedly.. but this is completely random.


Hmm, back to the drawing board

Edited by skinnytecboy
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Well i feared this, however it seems to be true. I do not know how much this will impact your mod but here is my conclusion:

There is a bug with ck when it comes to creating new races, i am not exacly what is causing it, it maybe that some extra files need to be extracted or that its unsolvable.


I had a simmilar problem some time ago when i tried to create a custom atronach race, no matter what i did i could not get them to cast spells, even though every bit of data number for number matched the original race, as soon as i copied it wierd s#*! started to happen.

But as soon as i swiched back to the original race and skin everything worked fine.


Maybe extracting the attack animations and linking them in ck would solve the problem but i have no idea if that is even possible.


Basicaly if you swich the race and the skin back to the original centurion his battle ai will be golden.


If this is not possible then you may have to try some sort of work around, like creating another centurion and moving the centurion with good ai on combat start via script and then once combat finishes, moving marphin back.

Sorry i cannot help you more.

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Well i feared this, however it seems to be true. I do not know how much this will impact your mod but here is my conclusion:

There is a bug with ck when it comes to creating new races, i am not exacly what is causing it, it maybe that some extra files need to be extracted or that its unsolvable.


I had a simmilar problem some time ago when i tried to create a custom atronach race, no matter what i did i could not get them to cast spells, even though every bit of data number for number matched the original race, as soon as i copied it wierd s*** started to happen.

But as soon as i swiched back to the original race and skin everything worked fine.


Maybe extracting the attack animations and linking them in ck would solve the problem but i have no idea if that is even possible.


Basicaly if you swich the race and the skin back to the original centurion his battle ai will be golden.


If this is not possible then you may have to try some sort of work around, like creating another centurion and moving the centurion with good ai on combat start via script and then once combat finishes, moving marphin back.

Sorry i cannot help you more.

Races are no doubt tricky, but this cannot be the case. There are a variety of custom race mods out there, both for the player and NPC.


I HIGHLY doubt this is an "impossible to fix" bug. There may be something in the custom race screwing with stuff, or complicating matters, but it would not break it entirely.

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Something I noticed in an earlier version on the dialogue side of things was the weather dialogue would hang other types of dialogue from starting.


Could it be a dialogue issue causing some of the wonky A.I. behavior?


If that isn't it, it might be useful to look into A.I. packages.

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Thanks everyone for all your help thus far. Regarding A.I packages, you might be on to something. I will investigate fully tonight.


I did add a couple of packages to his follower alias. I will try removing these one at a time and see what happens.

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Well, I can confirm at least that it is not race. I tried switching to a default Dwemer Centurion Race, but he was even worse. He run out of steam fairly quickly (excuse the pun).


Still testing though.. :sad:

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Well, I can confirm at least that it is not race. I tried switching to a default Dwemer Centurion Race, but he was even worse. He run out of steam fairly quickly (excuse the pun).


Still testing though.. :sad:

Strange, when i tested it swiching the race solved the combat ai problem completly, check what combat style you are using, try settign it to default centurion aswell and see then.

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  • 2 months later...

Okay I had put mharphins combat problem on the back burner whilst I carried on with other things.


But now I'm keen to start a new and really fix this problem.


So far I have tried the following:


- setting him to default race

- playing with combat styles

- removing scripts from his combat Idles.


None of the above has worked so far.


I'm wondering now if it could be something to do with his combat Idles altogether.


Currently mharphin is used in 4 quests:

-Follower control (including combat dialogue).

-idle dialogue

-main quest (conversational dialogue )

-music control (just there to run script)


I wonder if when in combat, his taunts and their conditions are confusing his a.I?


Any of your thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated

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