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Carry On Skyrim: M.H.A.R.P.H.I.N.

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Okay, I've decided to approach the problem sideways, which is another way of saying "Cheat".


For the Mharphin update I had already created a simple spell that summons three Mini Mharphins, and during gameplay I noticed that these guys never cease attacking. So this made me wonder about "ActorBase" and "Actor", The above spell uses actorbase with a placeatme function.


So anyway, here's my solution.. but I could do with you all checking and/or offering suggestions for improvement.


Basically it's a spell that swaps actorRef Mharphin for an ActorBase Mharphin for two mins and then swaps them back. The BaseActor will come in fighting!




Scriptname SKMFSummonBaseMharphinScript extends activemagiceffect  

ActorBase Property Base  Auto  

Actor Property ActorRef  Auto  

ObjectReference Property SKMFMharphinHoldMarker  Auto  ;ActorRef Mharphin is sent to a seperate cell

ObjectReference NPC1
ObjectReference NPC2

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
       NPC1 = ActorRef.MoveTo(SKMFMharphinHoldMarker)
	NPC2 = Game.GetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(Base)
; there's a 2min wait

Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
       NPC1.MoveTo(Game.GetPlayer(), 100, 0, 100, true)




I could do with suggestions on how to control this; stop player from spamming the spell with a few if statements etc. :blush:

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Ok.. what color does marph prefer?



Well not that I'm fussy when it comes to generous gifts..


Can I have a black one and a bronze one?


Mharphin's bad ass upgrade is black and it would be good to have a baddie version first.




They look fantasic btw :laugh:

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Well he would have to summon one with a shout most likely, use the shout to trigger the summon spell, put the shout on a 20 sec or so cd at the least otherwise it might be annoying, the turret is useless till 8 sec after its spawned lol


But black.. bleh that aint gonna look good, I cant do shiney black runes dafuq

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For combat actor swap, I would have the spell fire during the entering combat phase from Mharphin himself.


Thanks Arron, I had thought about that. In fact DDProductions83 has been helping me try and solve the riddle via other means. If and when we're successful.. I will post the solution here. :blush:


However, the spell method is good for two reasons:


1: It allows the player to choose if they want Mharphin to be kicking bottoms or to be a "distraction Tank".

2: I've noted that when MharphinRef is returned to the player cell.. he will start fighting normally (there's a clue that perhaps the issue also has something to do with cell load).


The only downside at the moment with the spell is making it look as if everything was done on purpose. I.e. Distract the player with snazzy Imod and sound.


I'm toying with the idea of the base Mharphin attacking twice the speed whilst he emits the Benny Hill Theme tune :teehee:

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Well here's the Spell in action:



It's very much a sideways solution.. but it's the best I can do for now.


If anyone knows how to make Large letters flash across the screen (like when you Start/complete quest) Please let me know. :mellow:


(That said,...I could have a quest that repeats itself)

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Repeating quest. You'll have to show an objective to make it start though. Perhaps show an objective with no text? But it would probably show the diamond part still. :shrug:
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