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All of these days, I've witnessed so many sharp blades, and yet no one is missing legs. I recommend editable limbs in race menu, so you can have one leg and crutches, or one arm, or even one eye. NPC's who hoble about drunk, with one leg and a cane.











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Well if it's something you want included into a specific mod, you might be best off mentioning it in that specific mod's release thread where the modder is more likely to see it. But I do know of a couple mods that add arm replacements. And iirc there was a mom that created an amputee mod for her daughter (her daughter was missing some appendage and wanted her character to look like her) though I don't recall it being released.

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Thanks for your reply Oubliette .


No specific mod. It would be nice to have a follower, who could be like the old war hero, who you invited to stay in your home, but could still put on an amazing fight, if he wanted. Or, if you just wanted people to notice you in a special way, you could get their attention. Or, just for being a character with more "story" to his story.

Edited by jennawatson
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Well, I think I know how to go about it, though it could get a little awkward if not properly used. Invisible meshes that take up non-armour slots should cover it (i.e. ring slots, necklace, circlet, etc.). I don't necessarily know about things like crutches though. I wouldn't mind seeing this - I had a fanfic (scrapped it) where the dragonborn loses an arm in the fight against Mirmulnir, so yeah.

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Well, even if it is like necroposting... :)
I had the same idea for a while already. And I am about to try:)
I know in general, how it can be done. But i feel this is hard work, if you want this mod to be good)) I bet 97.777% that nobody(including me) will complete such thing alone, so here must be a team.

Or at least one animator guy, to help me with thousand of trivial character animations;)

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