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replace the prostitutes


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not making this to start a OMG THE GAMES RATED M, topic, I just would like it if someone could tell me how to do it, or could do it for me, please. Some people just dont want to see this.


to clarify, I want to replace the Chained prostitute outfit with the exposed one

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For a serious answer, toy our question, you can fix this easily yourself.


1. Find the armor in the GECK that those prostitutes wear.

2. Replace the current .nif model with a different armor .nif.


thanks I said it didnt I? I said I'd get these sorta replies, atleast SOMEONE here isnt immature about this, thanks for the answer.

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LoL immature about this? Getting these sort of answers (to this sort of a tpoic) isnt about maturity, mate, its human nature... :wink:


I have no idea why youre so uptight you want strippers out... Maybe you just feel offended by them for whatever reason, but seeing as you represent a miniscule part of the human behaviour I think this is as good as youre gonna get, sorry mate.


Reread some posts, he doesn't want no strippers, he wants topless strippers rofl. NOOO problem with that.


At least, that's what I'm getting from the "replace the chained hookers with the exposed ones..."


you're such a <Snip>, its the name of the mesh... wow, last time I come here and ask for help


Please refrain from name calling

bben46, Moderator

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